I really wish Kotaku would post something on that 4 player Super Metroid race because it was AMAZING. It was one of the most entertaining things I've seen in awhile. Found the video on youtube:
I really wish Kotaku would post something on that 4 player Super Metroid race because it was AMAZING. It was one of the most entertaining things I've seen in awhile. Found the video on youtube:
Honestly, not many will recommend it to you, but the nice thing about prebuilt pcs that a lot of people don't talk about is they usually come with (or can be bought for cheap) nice service plans that will have most of your real problems taken care of and even premades these days are plenty powerful. Hell my dad…
A planet with sarcasm.
Actually, not a terrible impression.
Seems you don't understand the situation. Do you know what fair use is? Reviews fall under this and are 100% protected by law in favor of them. Siskel and Ebert didn't pay a dime to movie companies to review them (why would they pay them to shit on their movies?), yet they did and got paid millions for it by showing…
If you bought a Wii U and only played the new mario you've missed out on a lot of greatness. The wonderful 101, zombiu, super mario 3d world, pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, Wind Waker HD, monster hunter 3 ultimate. If you never owned a Wii then you should consider the metroid prime trilogy, xenoblade, sin and…
I find it funny you use art as an example and then put GTA 5 as something to strive for.
This article accomplishes nothing but needlessly offering people an opportunity to make cracks at a woman's appearance and behavior. You've blatantly invited us to make fun of Lohan while providing next to no actual information. Regardless of whether or not she's made herself a target for the media, class it up,…
An hero goes back a long time, to MySpace at least, maybe older, but its a phrase that was picked from a response a girl left on someone's page after they committed suicide. It was a young kid what did it, but this particular girl left a response saying the kid was a hero in personality, because he was apparently an…
Iraqis seem to think they're the bomb.
bad? I would dare to say amazing
And this is why I liked DS9 so much, because it shed a different light on the Star Trek universe by giving us an environment that wasn't always squeaky clean and worked near flawlessly with idealism.
If you could sit on your ass all day playing video games and talking about stuff, you know damn well you'd do it too if it was good income and liveable. Don't sit there and talk like you have a "real" job and are better than someone because they found a way to make money doing something they like. Some of them…
I think he's cosplaying as Adobe.
"God is good"
Wow, that totally described what kind of person you are. I'm Japanese, I don't watch football from your country. I don't know the teams, the players, etc. Do you really think that all the people in the world should see American football? And you think by not watching your country-specific sport means that people are…
Hopefully those affected pass it forward, too. Not PS4, but random acts of kindness within your means is always awesome.
This design is amazing, and although it's an incredible painting, I think credit should be given where credit is due, The design is not his... check out the original design here.