
All this did was remind me that my mom (who died back in 1999) had a cast-iron stomach. No matter how hot we made chili for her, it probably wasn't hot enough. One of my elder brothers made chili so hot it made him cry, and yet she had seconds with a smile.

Maybe I could just do a Snacktaku special on hot peppers...


Jay Leno?


DO buy Gravity Rush

This shot is amazing on so many different levels. Just about perfect.

I really wish FF8 would get half the attention 7 does. It was my first RPG ever and holds such a special place in my heart. I know there are better games, but I still consider it my favorite of all time (Tales of Symphonia and the original Mass Effect come oh so close from taking that title away though).

The Steam and iTunes comparisons don't hold water for me because M$ wants to sell you a physical DVD of the game, then treat and license it like it's a digital download. If I can't pick up a game disc that I paid for and take it with me to play at a friend's house, or play it offline just like I've always been able

An isolated nation protected by an ancient line of Kings

God bless South Korea.

Dude, the article is like 120 words. They use him to test the equipment.

It fails at being an 'authentic' Aliens experience by downplaying tension and atmosphere.

They're generally people whose first language isn't English, and are just trying to be friendly. Most people are not American.

Well HEY'DEA STRANGA'. Wut'r'ubuyin'? Wut'r'u'sellin'?