
I can’t stop laughing

Omg! I do the same. It’s just something to amuse ourselves. People need to chill.

I’m sorry you’re going through this. You two were very lucky to have found one another. He had a full happy life with you as his best friend.

Do not call and do not text. What I think happened here is that he is also probably dating around. Maybe the times he wasn’t texting you was because he thought he had an opening with someone else.

I wish there was a way to express how happy this post has made me, Bobby.

Well we found out later the real reason for the salary cut was so that the company was more appealing to other companies that wanted to purchase it. We were sold not to long after that.

I worked for a printing/marketing company a few years back. The company was struggling and everyone had their pay cut by 10%. My $10/hr went to $9/hr. The owner let us know right before he and his wife went to Germany for a few weeks while he had his custom BMW built there. SMH.

I know! And I don’t think it will. Unfortunately with these types of problems with celebs it’s rare to see someone’s career affected by it.

Bobby, the things you say just make my day. Love it.

Omg yes. When Steve was on the phone with his mom and says “Poor people lose. Poor people lose all the time.” That got me. I’m so happy for this kid.

To all the haters of this movie GET OVER IT. It was funny and different. I am a mixed race woman and I need to see more women acting goofy and men used as pretty props. There are enough movies with male leads. Sometimes I just want something different. And I shouldn’t have my cinema choices compromised because it

Ya know. I do not like the “I don’t like labels” rhetoric. But u have to take what she says with a grain of salt. She is trying to sell her “brand”. And believe it or not I don’t think Kim’s audience is on the feminist train yet.

I think it’s Fergie and her husband WhatsHisFace!

Got a full time job! Now I can quit my 2 part time jobs. I’m so happy. It’s been 3.5 years since I’ve been laid off from my previous full-time job. The job market in my city is worse than the nation’s average. I’m so glad to be back on track.

Omg I am part of a wedding in October. Planning the bridal shower is already irritating me. For any person who sees this......would it be okay if this whole thing because too much for me to deal with,that I kindly step back from helping? I’ve been part of a wedding before and helped plan these events and it was so

I worked at a gym where one of our members did this to several ppl. They weren’t naked but the people would be working out and she would take their pic then post it to her Facebook while mocking them. She finally got caught because a member told the right supervisor who told the head of the gym. She is banned forever,

I tend to do this a lot when I’m studying. I start thinking about all the other tasks that I have to do for the week. I’ve tried using my Google Calendar to create a to-do list but it’s not as satisfying to complete a task. So I think I will have to go back to paper and pencil.

The images of the warped and stained containers are reason enough to not by. My glad containers do not warp in the microwave or get those white stains.

The images of the warped and stained containers are reason enough to not by. My glad containers do not warp in the

If that’s a real song, can’t wait!!! Maybe he’ll get Katy Perry for the vocals *fingers crossed*

I have noticed that when it comes to food items, the store brand contains more sugar or sodium.