
Until they aren't, and there will be strains that are untreatable soon. There are strains with only one antibiotic that can treat them, and they've already made themselves resistent to antibiotics in the same class. But by all means, continue to stick your head in the sand and think you don't need condoms because

She's pretty far from alone. The mess is just gross, and I don't want to deal with it.

Gonorrhea will soon have strains that are resistant to all currently used antibiotics.

When I lived in Montana, they had "Choose Life" ones. So Planned Parenthood applied for, and received, the right to have license plates that said something about choice on them. I was going to get them, but they weren't available before I moved out of state.

Speaking (writing) as a nurse, there are disadvantages to having an epidural. Labor takes longer with one. This has been shown in multiple reputable studies. A woman also loses her to move around to find the position most comfortable for her in many cases. Any medical intervention has pluses and minuses. Nothing is

I was a copy editor for 15 years in newspapers. Mistakes like this happen all the time, as does forgetting to pluralize words. If a writer is lucky, they've got a copy editor to catch their mistakes. Most blogs, however, don't.

Way cuter than my cat's insistence on using an open hamper as a spare litter box.

I think your problem is you've put too much stuff in that bong and smoked it. Your poor command of written English makes it nearly impossible to understand what you're trying to say.

I don't think this conversation is going the way you think it's going.

When is the right time to talk about it then? It's never when it happens and since this is at least the second or third mass shooting this week, when are we supposed to sit down and have a conversation about guns?

The professor did not get placed on a tenure track, and left for another college. We always assumed it was because of the number of complaints about her racial bullshit.

I took a broadcasting class as part of my journalism major in college at one of the top 10 schools in the country, and I, a very white girl with very straight hair, was told I had the "right look" to be on TV. A black woman in my class, who was significantly more talented at the whole speaking on camera thing without

An MD is not a doctorate.

He recommends counseling regularly, but he doesn't recommend counseling when it's pretty obvious the counseling won't work.

I've never lived in a town with a pharmacy that was staffed 24-hours a day. Sure Walgreens is open, but the pharmacy isn't staffed.

She asked him to stop and he kept going. That makes it rape.

If you're not prepared to listen to a woman when she says 'no' quietly, you're a rapist, and not ready for sexual relations.