
Dragon Age: Inquisition had full nude sex scenes, which blunted my surprise that they’re in ME:A as well.

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

World of Tanks streamer Brian “Poshybrid” Vigneault died from unknown causes on February 19 after streaming for 22 hours. He was 35.

I did one WESTPAC on the Enterprise, and I think we lost two or three aircraft over the eight months we were out. Two in three weeks seems like a lot, but it does happen.

The second amendment is 1700s legal speak for the police force. While you’re saying ‘shall not be infringed,’ don’t forget ‘the right of the people,’ which is the same people as in “The People V OJ Simpson.” The people of the united states have the right to form militias to protect their localities as it is necessary

Gotta say, I don’t think most cosplayers do deserve to be reimbursed for their time and effort. I hate that something that started out as fans making costumes in their free time is now being turned into a showcase for professionals. It gets worse when people compare the work of someone with a full time job doing it as

Amen. You can put any toppings on any pizza, it will mostly be the same in that regard. There’s only so much flavor difference between what type of sausage or pepperoni you put on it for example. The main factor of the pizza makes the real difference. That being the sauce(and what it contains) and the crust(dough).

This entire concept would make a great Destiny subclass.

The feathered serpent? LOL love it.

There’s so many but you never forget your first love

The most beautiful plane ever.

Then there’s the rampant desert that is Windows Phone...

“Android users left out in the cold..." Meanwhile, we Windows phone users are camping out on Hoth.

The prophecy is true!

So what you’re saying is... He made a deal...

what the fuck kind dystopian nightmare of rule is that????? man i feel for you.

I understand you are not able to use someone’s products and likeness to profit, however, when someone is watching someone like Angry Joe, they are watching it for him, not the reviewed product. He is the product. The corporate attitude that no one can use their name or product is akin to saying if Jerry Seinfeld has a