
"fall off you cunt"
Snakes on a Plane would have been even sweeter if it was an Aussie movie.

I wouldn't complain having that as an art installation mounted midship on my car, you know...

It literally looks like a deliberate robot sculpture out of engine parts.

Plus, it looks real good by itself as well.

The Fiat/Lancia TwinCam.

Now, after a bizarre assassination attempt, Krejcir has been arrested by South African police on murder charger. Here's the release from the police:

The solution? get all the automakers together for a race Best Motoring style. Let them bring their own drivers and let the awesomeness commence.

Well there's round, then there's round.

Unveiled at the Tokyo Motor Show, it's a convertible version of the Aqua, the car we Americans know as the Prius C. Unless I'm completely forgetting something, it's the first convertible hybrid made by an automaker. How come no one has thought of this yet?

Nope, this is the most fun Prius ever.

Sell it with a diesel and a 5 speed, and collective Jalop heads will explode.

If you could actually buy it, dollars to donuts the average Jalopnik commenter would be complaining that it isn't available with a proper manual gearbox

I'll believe it's happening when I'm sitting down and watching it and not a second before. That said...

Psst...Dodge add a turbo. GLHS remember?

Man, I'm legitimately disappointed by how badly Carbon failed. I would've loved getting pulled over by such a mean looking cruiser.

Anyone else notice how crooked that like air ridge on the nose is?


Panoz Esperante GTR-1. Two built in road legal trim as production cars.