
Okay, my brain broke out of rage. Good night everybody...

Okay, I'm just gonna be the first to say that the dad at least practiced responsible gun ownership for once by ensuring beforehand that there was no way the gun could ever be fired.


Good! I always knew those diamond pickaxes would cause trouble! And the block really make kids distance themselves from reality but at the same time its all so violent with those 'creepers'. What are they anyway? Are they teaching our kids to creep up on people!? ARE THEY RAPISTS?!


Come to the Dark Side, we have Steam.

Come on people, it's obviously Floyd from Jet Force Gemini.

I see your Valve-logo and raise you a "Valve-guy."

I mean, feel free to correct me... but there's really not many games I'd class as "survival horror" that have zombies in these days. Actually, off the top of my head... I can't think of any.

What's the iOS logo supposed to be?

DO WANT. It's about damn time someone is trying to evolve beyond the analog stick. Not that it doesn't have its purpose, but it's absolutely dreadful for RTS/FPS games. Motion controls and cameras couldn't do the job, but why give up there? I know there's a lot of groaning in the comments, but I applaud Valve for at

I want a PS4, but the streaming capability of Steam OS has me pretty much sold, assuming it works well.

Now, the battle is on....

I am not sure if the promo photo is a good one.

Sorry, PS4. Steam Machines for me.

They're going to stop paying their mortgage. With courage.

You're such a fucking idiot.

It's amazing how it can cost that much for professionals to make one character when modders can do much better for free. Shit like this is just giving fuel to the Kickstarter haters.

all I learned when I was 5 playing on the computer was that no matter how fast you ski down the mountain, you will never escape the abominable snowman who will gobble you up.

And this is one of the reasons I hate to see people supporting Apple and their products. Sure they make nice looking products. But how they act as a company and what they stand for is horrible. If Apple was to rule the computer space, things like this game would be a distant memory :(