
So excited to fetch-quest and get yelled at by discriminatory elitists in a new coat of paint!

Here’s to game design winning over money. One day a game might release with such priorities in mind. *cough*Pillars of Eternity*cough* One day...

I’m reminded of STALKER games and that one Mine Section in Timesplitters : Future Perfect

Perfect stalker outfit

When did RPGs become adventure games?

That’s just how you’re gonna be then.

Just turn it into a diametrically-opposed competitive game already... That’s all anyone seems to want in videogames anymore (not diametrically-opposed. Just the competitive part. MORE POWER SO GREAT, LOOK HOW GREAT I AM AT THIS GAME! bs.)

I’d actually like to enjoy story and setting in a game for once. Maybe Pillars of

But a small part of you is proud of your obvious accidental trolling of your friend.

Counter-Strike has MUCH less stuff to it (by default) and no systems to follow like a slave desperate for unlocks. Instead, Counter-strike has custom content. People play it and create for it too. If they could make counter-strike more like the little big planet of shooters, it would be more popular on consoles.

doesn't that mean de_dust came "close" to dota 2's map before dota 2 did?


A carry over from modern shooters? Counter-Strike has been the oldest highly popular semirealistic shooter since 2000. Call of Duty didn't strike it big until Call of Duty 2 in 2005. I think you mean OTHER shooters copied Counter-Strike. After all, Call of duty just extends on counter-strike's design. The basic

Just edit dust 2 to be the ONLY CS map like all the competitive players want. Honestly, every competitive game ends up with a very very short list of favorites, and that's all that people play.

EXACTLY! I prefer variety.

thank you for this. glad to see from the actual BACKER himself.

Absolutely beautiful.

Exactly what I’ve been thinking, thank you!

Political correctness is always so limiting. Thank you for a non-politically-correct comment.

Much sadness.

It was a crossdresser #End