
Exactly why I’m laugthing right now, and your comment made the laughter worse.

Hammerwatch is so awesome.

car sex. Level : Asian. there’s not turning back now.

Autism makes the weird go round.

My god there are so many..... Welp, back to Cowboy Bebop and Paranoia Agent!

I didn’t play heroes of the storm, but Infinite Crisis is simpler and more convenient than LoL. It’s probably between the two on ease and convenience. With the official release, they have fantastic tutorials as well!

This is why DOTA 2 took the approach that it did. Valve holds game balance sacred.

When you die, you drop your only currency for upgrading. Also, enemies respawn and you have to redo the whole area again. This doesn’t feel special to me. If I want something HARD and repetitive, I play competitive multiplayer. Except competitive multiplayer doesn’t force you to do the exact same thing over and over;

Why do idiots freak out when you give them free advertising? What the hell is that? ENCOURAGE IT. You’re making money off the community doing its own thing. probably 5% more people are buying your product just from word of mouth like this.

These people have never seen mods much, have they. Or they’d be asking Riot to allow mods. Excessive Overkill Unreal Tournament mod did the same as URF, and it made that game ridiculous and silly fun as well. Mods, people. Mods.

comebacks are too awesome. I’m against a surrender option.

The camera angle can be changed in DOTA 2. With some FOV changes from what I see messing with it.

It feels like playing a diablo character placed into a different structure such as leveling up 100x faster and keeping it within a single play session. RPG hasn’t meant story for a long time. Any time that term is thrown around, it means tactical stat-grinding and character builds. It doesn’t really matter though. You

I did. Just do your research and practice the key techniques.


Anyone who wants to play this on Steam and not treat each other like shit? That would be great.

I was young and stupid when I rented superman 64. Other than thinking it was a bit odd, i liked it :v

I was hoping that the characters would say positive things to inspire and imply teamwork and a little love to counter the toxic MOBA communities... This is a close second though. As great as Blizzard’s lore is, seeing people not be shits to each other just feels so much better.

tl;dr - they were all gay.

They’re action rpgs. Competitive action rpgs.