
Games don't die out when they have a strong community, they just get updated. Starcraft didn't die as a national sport in asian countries, it simply turned into starcraft 2. Counter-strike has 3 versions now; the latest wasn't released that long ago. Even obscure, lesser-known indie games and mods with good

This bigotry against fun needs to stop

So they made counter-strike's spectating a fair, balanced part of gameplay instead of just wait time. Good idea.

Also, I LOVE hardcore games that require communication and planning. All the casual, lazy, rushy players tend to stay away from this kind of experience. That's a good thing; the only people that you'll

So WoW is the fast food of video games? Cheap, unsatisfying and unhealthy? I can agree with that.


First-person melee combat is a new thing now? Everyone look up Zeno Clash and Condemend 2: Bloodshot!

Just wanted to point out that the U.S. CIA is sometimes represented by a Lizard. That is all.


I suppose this was inevitable. Could make the hands more obvious though.

Why do you people enjoy LoL so much? It just seems slow to me, and lacking in interactive detail.

guys! guys! Can't we all just agree on PC MASTER RACE and move on with our lives

I am now glad that Im not getting excited over new games

quake 4 all over again? They gotta throw "realism" out and keep fast action in! No sprinting or ironsights!

welcome to Valve time

Grind addiction at its finest. Is Destiny really a shooter? Sounds more like World of Warcraft at this point. Wasting time working the system instead of just having fun

Developers are slowly combining Call of Duty and World of Warcraft. Destiny definitely has some vast similarities to Borderlands here... Activision freaking owns Call of Duty AND World of Warcraft, just combine them already! Stop making weak efforts at combining them with pretty, new graphics and just go for it!

That's ok, the rest of us still have a chance to do that.

Not everyone is a historian

GOAT SIMULATOR. Someone had to mention it. Rock Simulator is obviously a joke game with the same spirit. Although much less detailed.... Also, comedy IS a real project. Also..... what is this "new fad" that you're talking about?

Yes, quake 1 was VERY different! The theme was dark fantasy more akin to Diablo than anything purely scifi. The only scifi parts were the fact that you yourself were a futuristic soldier and that 2 types of enemies were soldiers too, and there were teleporters. The rest was all nightmarish monsters and it was