
Ahaha my dad always complains when he has to take clients out for dinner and they're perving on the waitresses like aahh ewww they are my daughters age! I'm at the stage where if someone my sisters age hits on me I'm like oh god I want to babysit you not date you!

I'm sure you'll make a terrific father! I have two siblings and my parents took turns staying home because they had pretty much equal income. My dad was the only stay at home dad out of everyone we knew at the time. It's weird to me that in 2013 it is still automatically assumed that the mother will stay home, seems

haha your mom sounds awesome!!

Or have your mom walk you down the aisle! I also know a lot of people who had both parents walk them down the aisle, then it was less like creepy passing ownership of the bride from one man to another, and more like loving parents being there for you on your special day.

Urgh I was walking out of a university class behind a girl who's jean shorts where firmly embedded in her ass crack no matter how many times she tried to pull them down, like what? why!? I fully support everyones right to wear whatever the heck they want but I just don't understand this trend, I should not be able to

Oh my gosh, Jesus and I broke up and no I don't want to talk about it is the most brilliant thing ever, I think I love you

Ah, I never say Merry Christmas to people I don't know because you never know if they celebrate Christmas! I work with kids and I always just say happy holidays, I have seen sooo many of my (stupid) coworkers ask kids what santa brought them, just to see the kids faces crumple and say that they don't celebrate

Yeah but Nicole Kidman didn't have a bump at all until like the ninth month of her pregnancy, some people are just small

Venti vanilla rooibos tea, or tall soy chai latte.

I actually love the new badass Miley. And her hairstyle is the best thing ever, and a lot of her fashion choices are actually amazing, it's just the weird ones that make the press. Also, her at the Met Ball? Fan-fucking-tastic!

I have a pair of lulu pants from when they first came to Winnipeg 8 years ago and they are still in perfect condition, I bought another pair last year and they're already completely ruined, sorry I don't hand wash my workout clothes! Definitely agree that the quality has gone waaaayyyy down since they went global.

My yoga instructor hates lulu and trashes them every class because she can't see your knees when you're wearing flared pants and before lulu that wasn't really the style to wear to yoga. I love her.

I need to start watching this show!!

Yes agreed!! Oh I know, I think they are being so unreasonable and going to regret it as it stops being free for us in two years, I'm like get it now while you still can guys! However one of my friends has a parent who is really into naturopath and doesn't "believe" in drugs and believes that you can cure cancer using

She was underage so they can't release that information, I do know her name because as I stated she is taking a class with one of my friends but I'm not going to release information that the media won't. She has been physically assaulted before by acquaintances of my friends but I am against violence and don't want to


Ahahahahaha yes, there better be some singing too

Huh, guess I need to start watching Girls then! I have seen a few episodes and I think Shoshanna is the best thing ever.

Yes! Thanks for adding that in, I still highly recommend condom use for preventing all STI's in general, but it is definitely not a guarantee. Gardasil is free here and sooo many of my friends won't get it because they don't view themselves as "sluts" just ugh, all I can do is nag and shake my head.

Good point! They are always eating on SATC