
And with dual screens you can also use WIN+SHIFT+LEFT/RIGHT to send a window to a specific monitor.

Not sure how it’s across the pond, but in my country not all shows can be watched on-demand. Moreover, up until just recently, the free on-demand service of the public broadcasters will stream in glorious 360p at best with a pretty crappy bitrate, whereas recording live tv would give me an HD version that I can watch

Not sure how it’s over in the US, but I know that (in the past?) stores such as Aldi and Lidl often bought a lot of leftover stock at the fruit and vegetables auctions (my mum works at the Food and Health Inspection). Quality-wise it’s not worse or anything (perhaps less pretty), but they’ll have less variety than the

Do you mean Zeeman? It’s indeed okay for cheap clothes. My mum used to buy baby/toddler clothes because they were so cheap, so it didn’t matter if they got ruined or too small. As a true Dutchie, I’m a really big fan of HEMA as well.

A lot of people over here often have a special coin that also works and can be hooked on a keychain. Most of them are even branded with the logo of a supermarket.

Not sure how it’s in the US, but over here their cow-milk mozzarella is actually quite good. A while ago a TV show had some Italians from Napels test a bunch of mozzarella and ALDI’s did quite well in the test. Definitely worth the €0.45. The bread also isn’t that bad imo.

ALDI actually doesn’t accept creditcards in my country, but then again, hardly any supermarkets do that over here and most people don’t own a creditcard. I’m also still surprised that it’s common in the US to not pack your own grocery bag, or to pay a deposit for the shopping cart, because I have never seen that over

Most places will serve the sauces on the side if you ask them to. My dad always used to do that. Also do note that in certain areas of the Netherlands (mainly the west) you’ll also get raw chopped onions with friet/patat oorlog. I also highly recommend kroketten/bitterballen.

In my country it is normal to eat mayo with fries, although we mostly use a special version that is a bit sweeter and contains less fat. Especially nice in combination with satay sauce.

Both my uncle and I mainly learned our second languages by just watching television in that language. When my uncle was growing up, German tv channels had more shows for children, whereas I watched Cartoon Network in English with Dutch subtitles (although I couldn’t read at first). Nowadays, nearly all children shows

I’m lucky enough to live in a country where multiple versions of Masterchef have been broadcasted and Masterchef Australia is definitely my favourite version. The main reason why I dislike the US version is the hostility between contestants and the whole “I’m not here to make friends” attitude that appears to be

I do take a small handful of vitamine C tablets sometimes, but that is only when I suspect I might be contracting a bladder infection. Since any excess goes through the bladder, the ascorbic acid helps kill the bacteria.

While I haven’t tried RS yet, my main issue with Duolingo when I tried it is that I was forced to use English as my base language, even though my native language is one of the languages offered. Despite my near fluency in English (C1/C2-ish), being forced to first translate something from/to English before translating

Best way to prepare kale imo is the Dutch way: boerenkoolstamppot. It’s mashed kale and potatoes with bacon, mustard, and traditionally a sausage (don’t like rookworst though). Cheap, easy and oh so good during autumn/winter. It’s actually one of the few Dutch dishes that I actually love to eat.

You could always get your own server and use something like OwnCloud or Bittorrent Resilio Sync on it. I think I’ll be ditching Dropbox as soon as I’ve finished building myself a personal server.

No, just in a different country. Even 20 years ago (when I was 4) seats would always be assigned beforehand.

Wait, there are actually cinemas that do not have reserved seating? Damn I’ve been spoiled, because I’ve never visited one that did not have this.

Average height for men in my country is 1.83m (6 ft?). Being 1,55m (5' 1"?) tall, I’m also way shorter than average over here, but fortunately I’m a girl.

Want to trade? In my country it’s common to have multiple middle names, so I have 3.

Also, the SHIELD is the only one that is actually available in my country.