
On top of that, brake dust has been shown to cause health problems if you live near any major highway.

I know if i was with a friend and he was losing his shit like that and i had a taser gun with me i would use it on his dumb ass. I know I’ve had to restrain friends at times, hell... even dragged a buddy out of my house (got in a fight with someone else, not me) by using his own arm to restrain himself while i dragged

24 Hours of Le Boats

Steel wire/Zip Ties and JB Wield FTW!! If it cant be fixed with that, you don’t know how.

Fun fact, the black is particles from the seals in the brake system.

I used to use Autolite copper plugs in my 88 Turbo Supra, I got them about 50% more than stock and ran much better than the OEM double Platinum. I used machine shims two gap the spark plugs, best way to make sure the computer can hit a good A/F mix as you only have 1 mass air flow sensor and one oxygen sensor for six

It’s not the water that causes “rust“ as you also need oxygen. The brake fluid itself corrodes the copper or steel as a corrosion fighting chemicals wear down.

Old brake fluid won’t necessarily cause a failure, possibly a small leak. Now.. very old fluid of course is bad. Just that it will affect ABS performance. IMO brakes, a good alignment, and good tires is by far the cheapest insurance you can buy.

I wonder which year? I know Chrysler had defective rotors and a few different models including early 2000s Intrepid. Ensure that engineer is not an engineer anymore lol.

Thank you!! And when they do warp it’s from grossly inconsistent lug nut torque and even then it’s rare. When 99.8675309% happens is brake pad material fuses to the rotor at complete stops because the driver is standing on the brake. Over time it will build a bump as the car will be more and more likely to stop on the

I’m certain every car in the U.S. has to have 3 gallons when the “E” light comes on. I know I drove my 95 Civic over 90 miles with the light on without a worry in the world.. still had about a gallon with 1/2 of that being usable and the rest sloshing around ;)

90's Civics are not hard to kill, they blow engines like clockwork at around 120K miles.. there just VERY easy to fix. Great learner cars IMO.

Every car has 3 gallons reserve when the empty light turns on. And there’s about 1/2 a gallon of gas that can’t be used that just sloshes around. Every car I have ever owned has filled up 3 gallons shy of the tank capacity when it hits E. I went over 90 miles on E in my 1.5L manual 95 Civic DX for fun without a worry,

If i was an asshole to steal a car, i would’ve plasti dipped it and changed the tires and any other parts that had noticeable markings that the O.G. could recognize. Like a worn seat or scratched rim.

Or just buy a wrecked one, and built a new one from that.. then claim you bought the parts from “some dude” incase you

Got me a 2004 9-5 ARC for $1600, the old guy that had it was sick of fixing all the issues. Fixed everything except for a rear bushing (shit design for longevity) and I honestly like driving it.

Not a lot of people know that AWD helps get you to a complete stop as well. Granted you may not ever move again, but it will be a complete stop.

Horrible promotional video.. yes, but that’s comparing a speed bag with a much larger bag... planning to show them comparing free weights against a curling bar? or how about running vs jogging? jumping vs leg press?

Horrible promotional video.. yes, but that’s comparing a speed bag with a much larger bag... planning to show them comparing free weights against a curling bar? or how about running vs jogging? jumping vs leg press?

Wasn’t so bad when the shoes were made of asbestos and the tires simply weren’t good enough for anything better :-)

200k IMO isn’t anything special with any modern car with a standard/common engine. Cars now are so we’ll engendered if you take car of really anything it should blow past 200k. The2005 S60 2.5t I had still had near perfect compression, and drove like a brand new car. Granted I personally overhauled the front