
It can be a pain in the ass teaching a guy how to drive stick, but IDK why girls pick it up very quickly. Maybe its a macho thing where the guys always have an idea that they know a better way despite never doing something. Maybe its that men tend to think about what there going to do and not what there doing were


Or make everyone use “official” bikes that are held by the officials and maintained with supervision. And only allow the seats, pedals, and handlebars to be changed.

Rage anxiety and waiting till next year, agree. Everything else has no explanation.. Literally. As in the sense that you did not use literal words to explain any of what you argue.

28K km or 18K miles is not that much, after 100K km or 60K miles is where you can say something IMO

This takes me back to my MK3 Supra days, I’ve always wanted to do a 1JZ-GTE swap as the Japanese MK3 Supra came with it and was a fairly easy swap considering you can get most the parts from the factory. And same with the Cressida of course ;) I usually saw 7M-GTE’s in them as they came stock with the N/A 7M-GE.

You made my Day, I thank you Sir.

You never know where you’ll find a good deal, but the best if you have the cash or good credit (duhh) is on craigslist or just asking someone if they’ll sell there car and “fancy” dealers that have trade ins on the side. They usually don’t even bother financing those cars unless there over $10K but that fine because

What incline? I’m sure you can get a 20+ year old civic to pull that too if it’s on a flat road :/

Tump has invested a lot into building hotels in Mexico... That’s all I’m saying.

Gots me some when i fell asleep in my 2005 S60 on June 21st of 2015, the side airbag struck my head and gave me rug burn though my cloths (i lifted my left arm to cover my head). I suffered a contusion and I was fairly tarded for about 2-3 weeks after the accident, and still have some effects from it till this day. My

I’m going to get a lot of shit for this... but if the head is just slightly warped and you want to fix it the cheapest shittiest way then it is to keep re-torquing the head every week for a month until you notice every bolt moves the same amount. Did this on a few shit-boxes and never had head problems 10's of

good car wax is better then Rain-X, and lasts WAAAY longer

This is where i can see McLaren’s ultrasonic tech very useful. Also wax is AMAZING for that.

This is a pain in the ass where 60gb SSD’s are used. Not only does the system bloat the SSD with updates over the months, than it downloads another 4GB ontop of that and says there’s no space. Most the time you can clear out Windows own crap to make 5GB-10GB free and do the update, but you would guess it would do that

Damn, my 7950 @1100GPU/1575VRAM feels extra dated now... Especially with my 4k 39.5" monitor. Needs me a pair of 980ti’s or furys.

I wonder if there will be updates to make the game run much better, as that seems like a concern with some reviews that it could be limited by early drivers which is usually the case anyway.

Most phones with battery covers (removable battery) have larger batteries with replacement battery covers so the phone looks “normal”. Every Galaxy phone has aftermarket batteries like that available.

I always drill the hole for the ez-out all the way through the broken bolt, im my brains it takes pressure off the bolt garbing onto the threads. Also.. it takes a VERY long time to heat up large metal around the bolt and especially on a iron block, i would have set the torch on the spot for 5 minutes before i gave it

If the metal is oil free... WATER!! i’ve been stuck hitting a bolt with PB blaster, methane torch, taping it with a hammer, slightly tighten to break it loose, but for some reason water breaks rusty bolts loose better than anything i’ve ever tried.

Wonder how many FPM (Frames Per Minute) my HD 7950 (3GB) would run it at.