
Now only if that was in the front of the car like some cars from the 70's that would be PERFECT!!!!

They all have a tab on them and a prism inside so that when you move the tab it is much darker but you can still see, and 15-20+ year old luxury cars do it automaticly (without any mechanical movement, its those funny looking sensors on fancy cars mirrors).

Snow tires make a world of difference, i would rather save money and get two wheel drive and a pair of extra rims with real snow tires. AWD will not help you stop, although if you are one of the few the don't shit yo britches then you will drive out of the way using AWD which is not for any average driver to do in a

Diesels are chosen because there is a lot less to break compared to a gas engine, almost every gas engine needs some kind of maintenance every 15-20k miles after you hit 60k+ miles... EGR this, Coil Pack that, little PCV shit fucking with vacuum, electrical gas pump, clean the fuel system, clean or replace MAF etc etc

Even though thats a point he cares about, its not important since thats not a point someone that is going to buy it will care about. They'll care more about range, and only really care about MPG for the novelty of saying it gets 25mpg for having 600hp which is not uncommon.

Can't wait to see it when they do a hybrid

You can also stream your own media (not mirror your screen). I use Localcast, its free and ALMOST never crashes and you can also control DLNA media servers so you can sell a local media server to send a video to Chromecast leaving your phone alone other then to play and pause. I use Universal Media Server for my media

thats the reason I tell people never to get anything with over 60k miles from VW or Audi, a simple PCV I found is $110+ WTF? And its patented so the cheapest is from VW its self.

It had a few other problems, one being the TPS wiring almost always braking. I dismanteled it and carefully reclamped the wire back into the pin then put some liquid electrical tape to prevent the wire from moving on the bend point.

I owned 3 mk3 supras myself, from 18-25. I learned stick in the first, then the second I started doing some mods to make it run better and NOT "faster", and last one I did the same mods but went very far.. Shock, springs, all new bushings everywhere, i hand made the intake making sure there where no points of

First off, Marry Christmas to you too. Really mean it.

I was really ranting rather then making a point, more like verbal diarrhea at times. It was rude and there's no excuse for that, but i still meant it.. . The reason i stopped reading is because the way i see cars and not necessarily the way you do. I have owned 3

I just want something to mirror my phone.. Very minimal touch screen when not connected to my phone then either Apples or Google's (sorry Microsoft, you suck) own screen to pop up. I don't want to pay $25K-$40K and then have the auto maker spit in my face with there crap (ew, just had that visual).

And there should be

Thats fine for literature class, but anyone(everyone) that uses tools calls one a wrench and the other a ratchet despite that they're both wrenches.

I stopped reading at "it has no reason for existing", and i understand that he thinks that its not a sports car like a Miata or a Ferrari rather its a GT car. I'm sure the he doesn't understand cars like the GT-R and almost any Porsche for existing either. I hope he gets friends that like cars to help him out, or that

What I ended up doing was sanding it with 400 grit then 600 because they where VERY damaged, and spray painting it with some clear coat (rust-oleum painters touch 2x ultra cover, "also bonds to plastic, fast drying, non-yellowing, UV resistant"). The first time I moved all the way up to 4000 grit (progressively

Can people stop using drilled and slotted rotors!? you don't need drilled rotors to remove water like on exposed bike brakes and you'r not a 50's hot rod moder taking off rotating mass. slotted rotors can be good if you want to use cheaper/street pads and also have 5+ laps pushing the car very hard (shaves off some

I want the D, anyone else want the D?

They already sell battery powered RFID, NFC, and Bluetooth locks for homes, there somewhat small and cheap, plus its ridiculously easy to hot-wire a old car... so i would forget about ignition type switches in the cabin where you can access the wires easily. I would just put a wireless system (RFID, NFC, or Bluetooth)

Old cars have little to no "electronics" other then the radio, this means that no matter what you do you can always hot-wire it.

Looks like a Ferrari mated with a P1 :/