@Michael Dukakis: Luke used to be a bounty hunter back years ago. He hunted down smug mofos and ripped out their guts and made party hats out of them. When he wrote this article, he was writing from experience.
@Michael Dukakis: Luke used to be a bounty hunter back years ago. He hunted down smug mofos and ripped out their guts and made party hats out of them. When he wrote this article, he was writing from experience.
@Luke Plunkett: What would be creative and funny on their part is if the update was just another Kevin Butler ad that just said "BURRRRRN!". Or something similar. On a more serious note though, I do know quite a few people that are going to be pissed that their console of choice is stopping support for their OS of…
@Xurkey: Way to be a troll fuck-face. I don't play crap like Melty Blood and I don't play this new prettied up KoF garbage. My complaints are solid unlike your shitty retort.
This screams too little too late to me. The roster still isn't big enough, the stages are still lacking, the lifebars and character select screens are ugly, and to be honest I'm not going to pay $60 for something I can create on my own in that broken ass M.U.G.E.N. engine.
@Atomsk88: All you had to say was Fester's Quest. He would have gotten the point much quicker.
@p|-|15|-|: Replied to the wrong guy, so that's my bad. Anyway, I changed out a word from a well known line from the movie Exorcist with the word Kotaku. The original line being, "Your mother sucks cocks in hell." You needn't be lost any longer.
@p|-|15|-|: Your mother sucks Kotaku in Hell!
@spannu: Haha, if only it worked that way. I'm pretty sure if he wanted he could net himself free copies of everything he has and is working on. But he buys the games just like everyone else to help and contribute.
@Hand_O_Death: It's a pretty lame ass PR stunt. It actually pisses me off and I'm a HUGE fan of T&A. With editors posting articles about it, be they negative or positive kind of falls into Activision's PR trap and helps promote this type of behavior from them in the future.
@Caode: And you would know that it's Paddy's when you've actually have had at least one drink. WHICH I HAVE NOT HAD THE PLEASURE OF TODAY!!! I feel tears coming on... thanks a lot a-hole.
Saying that people still have the ability to type at 2:30 PM on St. Patrick's Day is like saying... well damn, I can't find a good analogy but I can tell you that the statement just isn't true.
@jayntampa: The way Eye of Judgement works is the same way Little Big Planet works. Any time they release DLC everyone gets the update, but only those that pay for it get to create with the new content. I feel a lot less cheated knowing that my DLC is actually downloaded rather than finding out that I already own the…
@bassrocker521: No way dude, I got out of seeing it. She's still going to see it, but with her friend. So now I get to stay home and be an "asshole" as she says. I win!
@raresquare: If you get back home. God speed friend, god speed.
I really hope to god that showing my girlfriend this review will keep me from having to waste an hour and a half of my life. If it does, then you Fahey, will have done me a great service that I cannot ever repay you for.
@Spoony Bard: I was a Beta "tester" (player) for MAG. If it's anything like how I remember it then it's a pretty decent game. Very team oriented and objective based. A bit of a breath of fresh air after playing MW and MW2. I think there is a review laying around Kotaku somewhere. I'm just too lazy to dig it up.
Reminds me a little of how Batman: Arkham Asylum had that notorious glitch for gamers who had pirated and tried to play the game. Also, reminds me of how fast the workaround for that particular glitch came about. It's only a matter of time.
@Nexus6: Yeah but I also had that happen to me with a Sharp 52" LCD TV. Had it out of the box for no more than 15 minutes and had just hooked the PS3 up to it. Scrolled down to the demo for Burnout: Paradise and bam, half of the screen went yellow and green with a giant red line down the center. Sharp's Customer…
@kitsuneconundrum: Whoa.
@Zinger314: My liver hates you.