
The biggest issue I had was a dead laser on my 60GB model. That didn't really take much effort to fix and it's running fine now. I'm not too worried if I get the YLoD since most of the issues it could be are board related and easy to fix. And if the issue is ever hard drive related that's an even easier fix.

@Showmeyomoves!: Agreed, it's too drawn out, the concept was poorly conceived and executed. Just like with anything else, even comedy has it's own formula for success. It was a good try but they came up a wee bit short.

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: They're pretentious doucebags because they're watching one of their closest friend's image and name get dragged through the digital mud and are upset about it?

@TheNexusRebound: Smells like Resident Evil 5 all over again, doesn't it?

@Michael Dukakis for Senate!: I've been in since the first wave of beta testers. I can assure you, it would be worth breaking your twitter morals over. Besides, you can always just delete the account right after.

@Karlott: Actually the guy who was one of the "Ninja experts" was my buddy Mike.

@Matt0505: It's not that you chose to be correct, but that you chose to be an ass about it.

This update was a total let down. I really wish Sony would start focusing on updates and system improvements that players want instead of trying to cram the PlayStation Store and glitter down our throats. Yeah, and $3 for a Dynamic Theme? Uh, no thanks.

@Gargus: Oh god, I'm sick of seeing comments like yours more than the comments bitching about backwards compatibility.

@Curse Lily: I agree, it would be nice. However you rarely see any publisher or developer sell their games below the $60 mark this generation. I can only name a small handful that have on the current gen consoles, and I have big hands. It's fun to dream though. =(

@Mister Jack does BIG SOVIET DAMAGE: They probably figure they'll just brand it as a "Gold Feature!" or some noise and all the sheep will flock to it. Seriously though, I have a laptop, a desktop, a phone, and a palm pilot that all do that service for free. I hardly think that adding a premium onto those services is

@jgw: You're posting this why? Inane bitching is totally the way to go to keep the comments section clean. At least the fanboys have a reason to bitch, you're just doing it to do it.