
I wonder if these work with thicker cords... say, the extension cable that came with my 2011 MBP. I just switch that out when I'm at my desk to avoid hunting for a socket every time I get to the office. Thing is, it doesn't like to stay on my desk when it's not plugged in.

Is it ironic that I'm reading through LH articles right now in the dark? Thanks for another great tool!

I've got an easy solution to having tons of friends. Simply create lists for the friends you actually consider your friends, a list for the people you're cool with but don't really talk to, and a list for people you are willing to publicly acknowledge you know but never talk to. Thus, the lists are called:

Hands and feet.... open a bear bottle? Never heard of a bear bottle... :D

Thanks guys!

Anyone know a good programming editor for Mac? I frequently have to make small changes to html and css files, and the default text editor for Mac doesn't support syntax highlighting.

Lifehacker wrote a pretty detailed article about this very thing...

Agreed. It's tips like this that keep me coming back to Lifehacker.

Yet another reason to jailbreak. Thanks guys!

I sure am! As for the other 24,000 students at my university... I can't say they are....

I wonder if VLC for iOS is available through Cydia. Does anyone know?

This was a very good read. I think it's good that I stumbled upon this halfway through my college career. Thanks, LH!

Are you mad? Of course I couldn't! I'd be lucky to go a week without going online.

My bucket list ATM:

Sounds like a good reason to hit up the Campus Rec center... especially during Finals week :D

So who's killing the banana? The ape or the ring wraith?

I agree. Multiple monitors, in my eyes, are a necessity. But throwing a dozen different apps all over your 4000+ pixels defeats the purpose of having said monitors: it kills your productivity.

I use a "dumb phone", specifically, a LG Env 2, from Verizon. And it's so bulky, putting a case on it would be overkill. I've dropped it more times than I care to count and it's never broken on me. The only thing more durable is Nextel :D

Unfortunately, this isn't built into OS X. But it would be nice to have. It'd be one of those "It's there when you need it, and gone when you don't" type of things.

No, you don't need Professional or higher. Looks like all versions of Windows 7 will work.