As far as I can tell, the SUV driver didn't make any decisions I wouldn't have made. Well, I wouldn't have bought a Range Rover, but you know.
As far as I can tell, the SUV driver didn't make any decisions I wouldn't have made. Well, I wouldn't have bought a Range Rover, but you know.
Really? The biker intentionally looks to cause an accident, you can both see and hear the RR attempt to stop and you're calling that assault? Especially when the RR didn't even strike the bike hard enough to knock it down?
"If he would have not hit the biker in the first place"
"afraid of the RR"?
This is classic blaming the victim. The RR was legally driving down the highway. Everyone even slowed down. Then the biker illegally lane shared with the SUV before pulling ahead and intentionally causing a collision. You can even see the biker looking at the collision. Then the massive horde of bikers come to a…
Seems that they left the driver of the SUV with no choice. He has his kid in the car, and that paternal instinct to protect his kin is pretty damn strong.
Yeah no shit.
I carry and the moment that dude ran up and opened my door he would have been shot.
"Running over bike riders is in no way justifiable" - I respectfully disagree.
If you're going to make a sexist joke, at least make it funny.
"Your freedom ends where mine begins", that's my favourite quote regarding the topic. If something you're saying will offend the other party on a personal level then you have no right to say it and should find stronger arguments to support your point of view
If you've spent more than a few minutes on the internet, you've probably seen your share of negativity and malice…
Which is also fair. I don't think any credible science will ever really arise to support that anyway.
While the GTA's that were an issue (3 and above) didn't land until I was well into high school, I was certainly a product of Mortal Kombat and similar games and was playing those when I was 11... In America...
I was torn on whether I should be happy that bad parenting isn't unique to America, or be terrified of the fact that we're raising sociopaths internationally.
No, you actually did, you just weren't affected by it. It's a fucking mature-rated game and no one should have bought it for you.
I was playing Grand Theft Auto when I was 11 and I didn't suffer bad parenting. Maybe kids are just more able to distinguish between fantasy and reality over here in Europe.
I guess bad parenting is international.
I think that this is every Jalop's dream.