
I'm pretty sure if you can afford the car you can afford to put gas in it.

It's a Liger, bred for its skills in magic.

So much win. Seriously. Respect.

#11 - your mom.

Dobbertin Surface Orbiter

Meanwhile, Christopher Cruz's lawyer released a statement to the press.

An exemple of Range Rover off-road capabilities

Oh, wow! That balsa wood drone really brings back memories.

I was never a Saturn fan, and always drove european imports, but those 0-60numbers and mileage are solid for a cheap 1991 compact. These were a genuine step forward for domestic shit cars. Find me a comparable car in that price range with significantly better numbers.

I still maintain that this is going to make an excellent mid-life crisis car for me in 10 years.

Oddly, there are a bunch of unused, not-particularly-hard-at-work senators and congressional representatives sitting on their asses in DC on the taxpayer's dime, too.

Firehawk outspecials the WS6.

Corolla SE Limited

Oh this name? Not saying I wouldn't drive the hell out of that 2.2l T just sayin. 'Cause K-car

GMC Typhoon.

Mazda 323 GTX. No one wants a 323... unless it's tubocharged and AWD.

your jalop card is in question.