
I enjoy reading your tales. Screw the guy who questions whether you deserve to write. Has he ever put a bug on a race track? I like your choice in a first vehicle and living where you live I think it shows you are a car guy. imho

They should bitch about the lotus being ruined to make a movie prop at least. geesh

Genius!!! Brilliant!!! I approve this message !!!!

Is it to late to call dibs on the LT1? My 93 camaro Lt1 could use an update!

COTD right here

I petition Obama to change his name. That muslim crap offends my veteran self. How bout Fredrick Jones? NSA please pass that on

While my pops was stationed in stuttgart in 1990 I seen one fly by us on the autobahn. those couple seconds have been burned in my head since I was eleven. Best. Car. Ever.

Sad that the drug war is so important a cop would risk this guy's death to stay "undercover". Hey PIGS guess what? if that guy yall undercover was watchin was'nt sellin the dope some one else would. Faggots

I think I would want a helmet.

Guy runs one them rotary pickups around valley head Alabama all the time. It's bueatiful shape and sounds pretty wicked.

SLOW? wow

21 is pretty damn Limited IMHO

Back it with a six speed in a small wagon!

I have seen them hit that speed in a quarter mile. So all you guys saying I cant believe this need to wake up. A bone stock one hits over 140.

Kia and Hyundai are the same corporation and share many platforms and such, So you make little sense.

Legal if only the mustang guy was up there.

I will take a c4 and the GtO please..

The power plant is a Ge/701c in most cases. Same as a UH-60 blackhawk. Jp8 is the same as diesel as it's used in all the armys diesel equipment from hummer's to tanks . The turbine can burn many jp classes. How do I know? I am a former crew chief :)

I remember that issue of Car and Driver I think it was. It absolutley spanked everything until the tranny let go:(

that is funny stuff.. lol