
Gandhi wasn't a pacifist. His people could not fight, as they had been disarmed.

I think it's nice that all these "radical feminists" empowered her instead of condemning her. The Internets are wrong about "you people".

He only said it because they totally kill you for leaving Islam and they treat women like dogs.

Like what? What better options? How do you expect people to choose options other than the one you abhor if you refuse to name them?

If your ship has the ability to generate or nullify gravity and use its motors for thrust, reentry would be boring, just like you see in NMS.

The difficulty with lasers is putting enough energy on the target. After all, even 10,000 joules of light energy isn't that much if you hit some piece of aluminum, since it reflects the majority of it. If you standardize with infrared or CO2, that just means that our enemies have to paint their planes (or coat them)

You're completely incorrect. The problem is that there's a complex balance for an air-to-air missile (or any other missile) which represents the mass ratio of fuel to explosive payload. They have very little explosive in them because your best bet is to maximize the fuel load and use a powerful engine to go very,

It's hard sometimes, in war games, to see your opponents as the enemy, people who should be shot in the face, have a sticky bomb wedged into their shorts, or driven over with a Hummvee.

It's not possible to have the game you want yet. You'd have to peer-to-peer (with path-length optimization) every single interacting item in the game and somehow force players to play with people that are located close to them anyway. The speed of light is the speed of light, and there's no getting around the fact

I know a few atheistic Wiccans- for them, the concept of "god and goddess" don't refer to personal beings as much as they refer to the nature of things, the inherent masculinity and femininity of concepts we see around us. For some of them, the god doesn't have thoughts or hopes or a will, he's just the masculinity of

It can be more complicated than that! Do you believe that a divine being, as described in the Bible, Koran, or Talmud exists?

I sometimes wonder how I would react to having a necklace that made me feel handsomer, more of a winner, and having someone tell me that my necklace was offensice and horrible and caused others to have impure thoughts. I think I would tell them to mind their business and leave me alone. That's how I think of boobs.

I just want a Sugar Rush racing game. I'm waiting.