
Because Blizzard didn’t suspend them. Had Blizzard suspended them, at least they’d have a fig leaf of apparent impartiality to hide behind. As it is, the fact that they DIDN’T suspend the American competitors makes it super clear their concern wasn’t political speech, it was political speech that would make the

Except it doesn’t. Just because they knew he was going to say it (even if that’s the case) doesn’t mean that they felt empowered to do anything about it. Removing themselves from the stream by ducking honestly feels like the only way they could have said “hey, we’re not taking a side here, we’re staying out of it”

Y to honk

I’m personally hoping when they do the Q&A, someone tosses up a fake question during the vetting process, and then brings it up for real at the mic. If a few people do it, they’re going to get kicked out. But if everyone does it, its going to be hilarious to hear what they say.

Press F to Doubt

If BlizzCon is nothing but a field of Pooh Bear and Mei, I will spend my entire weekend watching the stream.

...I do not watch streams as a general rule (I’m old; I see nothing wrong with streams, they’re just not the kind of entertainment I am used to), but I will tune all the way in for something like that.

OK, so the US college students will also get a six month suspension right?  If it’s just policy and nothing to do with China, that has to be coming next doesn’t it?

If it was anything other than BS they would have suspended the two Americans who held up the pro-Hong Kong independence sign during their stream for 6 months as well. This is just a bear minimum appeasement to try and shut down this PR nightmare.

Then why did your social media team apologize to China first before any statement was given? OmegaLUL

Right? Such mealy mouthed bullshit. 

Oh, then please tell me how I can make my next near-death experience more entertaining for you.

Stabbing someone with an 8 inch knife and then pulling it back out 4 inches is not progress.

Brack’s statement concerning Blitzchung’s statements “having had nothing to do with their decision” is about as full of shit as it gets. They absolutely kowtowed to China, and now they’re trying to reverse course amidst a firestorm of pushback.

Here’s the thing: corporations absolutely have the right to associate

“I want to be clear: our relationships in China had no influence on our decision.We have these rules to keep the focus on the game and on the tournament to the benefit of a global audience, and that was the only consideration in the actions we took. If this had been the opposing viewpoint delivered in the same

I had 42 cents and one frozen chicken patty as recent as 6 years ago. 

No black tank. No propane. Electric fridge. Can easily fill water from gas station gallon jugs if absolutely necessary. Will always have two spare 6-gallon water jugs for drinking.

We’re WAY up on our house, and will chuck six figures into savings with the sale. If things go south we have plenty of friends and family


You want to live in a tiny trailer with no toilet and shower? I get the whole wanderlust minimalism mentality, but set yourself up for success first.

So... Does GMG mandate near death experiences for their writers? It makes great content.