Not to mention that a car seat will fit just fine in a modern 4 door car.
Not to mention that a car seat will fit just fine in a modern 4 door car.
The issue with Eve is that it’s not something you can just drop in and play. Even if you ignore the learning curve and all that, it’s not like WoW or a more traditional MMO where you can at the very least, work your way through a series of quests and experience a story.
Because he wasn’t evangelizing this point before he had skin in the game. If you’re going to put on a cross and go on a crusade, if you want people to believe in your piety and not think you’re just doing it for wealth/bloodshed/etc, it helps if they’ve actually seen you in church on the regular.
I thought this would maybe get me commended
Being a streamer does require taking it to performance art levels, if you are actually portraying a persona. It might just be him amping up things that are already there or it might be like flipping a switch and who he is in private is a 180 from his public persona.
Depending on what’s on fire, the kitchen size extinguisher that’s strapped into most cars like that, might not do the trick.
Mike has posted about a number of smaller keyboards. Here’s two below but there’s likely others if you open up his profile and scroll through his articles.
Because they look pretty and come with Prime shipping.
Because they look pretty and come with Prime shipping.
Yeah, that must exist in some weird urban dystopia. Here in the sprawls we get pre-packaged treats of the highest quality and packed with the most marketing potential.
I mean, you can still bulldoze it for tax purposes after you win it, so, win, win?
The key factor missing here is that blind boxes actually give you a thing. An item with a physical representation and some form of monetary value. If you don’t like your blind box toy, you’re free to give it away, sell it, whatever.
Pretty much every roof tent is fully framed out, with a solid floor (built in padding may be optional), so the weight is distributed to whatever mounting points the tent is attached to, which in turn is distributed to whatever structure on the car supports said mounting points.
If people are that outraged at his behavior and the fact that he did in fact break a law, they should channel that outrage towards whatever DA’s office the E3 venue falls under the purview of, and start a phone campaign to urge them to open a case.
It’s a civil suit, so things are a bit more loose. They probably have something that might identify people, like IP addresses. By filing the suit they can potentially get court permission to compel other parties, like ISPs, to give them information that will potentially allow them to get more information linked to…
Because Gamestop executives are trying to goose the stock price up. I assume the online Thinkgeek store does good traffic, so they’ll be able to release reports about how “synergies” and “cohesive branding” will help “drive traffic and sales” to the main GS store and embellish the GS brand in the process.
Because Gamestop executives are trying to goose the stock price up. I assume the online Thinkgeek store does good…
Because unlike the Atom, his modifications are perceived to be stylistic only. Plus he’s apparently not a great person.
Unemployable would imply they have no useful skills. Most successful internet content creators are very adept at reading social situations and analyzing groups and figuring out what’s going to elicit the preferred emotional response from them.
I’m more apt to believe there’s at least one random youtube video of a bird rolling on a fingerboard or something out there that someone watched too often.
It takes a certain type of person to build and keep a large successful stream audience. Just like major CEOs tend to have certain personality traits in common, popular streamers probably also have a lot of personality overlap.
Different strokes for different folks. I’m not saying it’s the end of the world some people are likely making it out to be, but you do have to appreciate that they were sold one thing with a certain set of expectations and an indication of which hoops they’d have to jump through to get it, but now have a different set…