I’d think the target demographic for a Navigator isn’t overly concerned with the exhaust note, unless it happens to be too loud.
I’d think the target demographic for a Navigator isn’t overly concerned with the exhaust note, unless it happens to be too loud.
It might have been the peak, but there was still a downward slope on the other side of it.
Well they already announced Q1 2020 at the end of the trailer. CP2077 doesn’t have anything close to a confirmed release date.
Epic exists because it’s a B2B provider via the Unreal Engine. As long as that side of the business is still going strong there’s no real danger of the store going out of business, as long as they moderate the size of the bags of money they decide to throw at developers for exclusive titles if/when all that Fortnite…
Because valve runs on apathy and laziness. People accept that good games on Steam can get buried under metric tons of asset flips and shovelware because Valve doesn’t want to staff to have people try and manually sort anything.
True, but you’re still going to need a controller of some sort (since on screen mobile controls pretty much all suck), and GMG needs some sales commissions for these things now.
True, but you’re still going to need a controller of some sort (since on screen mobile controls pretty much all…
Unions are only as functional as the people on either side of the table let them be. Police unions don’t have some sort of super awesome magical negotiating powers. The municipalities they bargain with are simply politically unable or unwilling to negotiate the changes that the “customers” (public) would like to see.
The USPS operates using its own revenue. It receives no tax dollars for operations.
I think it has more to do with having a dedicated space for photography that’s environmentally and aesthetically oriented towards doing a professional/semi-professional photo shoot vs the usual “random spot” in/around a hotel/convention center.
No. However most people who only know of him by reputation associate him with a guy screaming while gaming. His reputation was built on the quintessential “how did he get so famous/rich/etc, I could do what he does” association that people seem to think is a novel take now that actors and musicians no longer occupy…
The trick is to buy the cheapest stuff, then paint the rotor hats yourself. Best of both worlds!
The key is to not pull forward yourself until there’s enough room. The pavement in front of the speaker has the pressure plate to alert the restaurant a car is present and waiting, but it isn’t smart enough to tell whether the whole car is in front of the speaker, or just the front fender.
The Feds (and any state agencies that engage in the practice) don’t have to prove anything. Asset forfeiture laws work the exact opposite of criminal law. Your possessions are considered guilty until you spend the cash on lawyers to prove them innocent, whether you obtained them through actual criminal profits or not.
Because WB has been a schizophrenic mess ever since the first superman movie didn’t pull a “dark knight”.
It’s way less provocative than “random actor so determined to get movie made, will pen [potential train wreck] himself”.
Depends. It could just be an “all you can eat” flat rate, but it’s more likely a $X/download on top of a flat rate payment.
Another article speculated that they might be targeted towards child passengers, like the S’s jump seats rather than being a true 3rd row option.
I can understand that for a rental. The fact that we let people with zero experience just walk into a place and rent an oversized vehicle probably shouldn’t be a thing.
You could also have went and become an actor, or musician, or any of the other careers that don’t seem like “work” but have the potential to be lucrative.
It’s no different than a kid saving up their allowance and then turning around and giving it to their parent to pay the cable bill.