Economics can be harsh. If part of your company is returning $10 per dollar spent, and another is only doing $1, it’s not always worth keeping the resources there when they could be moved to something else that will (potentially) make more money.
Economics can be harsh. If part of your company is returning $10 per dollar spent, and another is only doing $1, it’s not always worth keeping the resources there when they could be moved to something else that will (potentially) make more money.
Then I hope wherever you live the dealership would have actually given you the agreed upon $380 in a timely manner.
The issue is that if you’ve a valid claim for compensation, and make an agreement in exchange for sparing a business a PR disaster (taking down the video, as was pointed out in the article) and the company doesn’t get a check on its way to you via certified mail within a business day or two, that means they’re not…
The best part of all this is that these are problems had and lessons learned by tons of developers who did MMOs years and years ago. Understanding the concerns and needs of your community, communicating effectively to manage expectations and swiftly addressing issues that unexpectedly crop up.
The problem is too many groups decide to die on ground that ranges from mountains to molehills with the same level of vehemence. Like crying wolf it tends to minimize things that are actual issues.
On the one hand, if your game needs a spreadsheet to understand details about it, that’s bad business.
It’s not about the deal, it’s about how the deal was presented. It’s not a good look for Deep Silver.
We just had 800,000 people not get paid for a month. The same people who were on either side of that fiasco are also the ones who dictate how the USPS has to spend the money they earn, while not actually giving them any additional funds, and being utterly beyond reproach for the problems those mandates create.
From what others have said, it’s a nod to the original character designs in the manga. The majority of the characters have normal “western” eyes but she’s drawn in the more exaggerated manga style to emphasize her unique nature.
I’m going to go see it, as it looks visually interesting and I like that they’re trying to acknowledge the aesthetic somewhat with the horrible uncanny valley Alita.
Not every department uses all of their vehicles in the same manner.
Yes, how droll that an advocacy group representing a disadvantaged social minority should seek to acknowledge creators who choose to help them obtain their goals and achieve social change.
Worth noting that Bioware isn’t an independent studio who necessarily gets to chart their own path. Of course, without inside info it’ll be impossible to say whether they decided this style of game was a good idea for their next project, they were told by EA they need to make a game in this genre, or they were working…
I thought it was the best praise because it proved he could read from a teleprompter and give a speech that actually sounded on par for any other person who’s managed to stand up a few times at Toastmasters meetings.
It’s a gamble. One of the issues with the executive branch is it has a lot of power, but there’s always been a certain amount of assumption that the head of the branch wouldn’t push things too far, as said things get murky and the legality unclear the farther out you go. “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”
Unions can be great. They can also be terrible enablers of systematic issues that are bad for both members at large and the companies those members work for.
Not sure if serious, but 4 rotor drones are unstable to begin with, they don’t really keep flying when down to 3. Most drones designed to have redundant flight systems, for things like very expensive camera gear, tend to have 6 or 8 rotors so they have an increased likelihood of not crashing terribly if they lose a…
Maybe they looked at what activities the most active part of the playerbase were doing and/or asking for?