
Try to “find” a copy of Sled Driver by Brian Shul. It’s a great read that contains many of the anecdotes that get memetically re-posted anywhere on the internet where the SR-71 gets brought up. 

Now if only someone had the power to get Sled Driver back into (reasonably priced) print, or at least as an ebook.

It’s a con, so I assume she’s getting paid to be there.

Jayson Blair apparently went back to school, and then does... something. So people land on their feet somehow I assume.

Unless the plagerizer is very very blatant you’re just not going to find it, in part because one assumes in a professional environment that people aren’t doing that (and they’re generally correct) and that looking for such incidents in every single article put out would take a number of people who did nothing but that

I had a history teacher in high school that one of my friends was convinced didn’t actually read the papers we turned in, just maybe the first 1/4 and the last paragraph or something, checking for a thesis statement and some sort of conclusion that seemed relevant.

Theoretically there could be litigation, but most likely the fact he’s fired and they’re pulling down the offending material means it’ll just be written off as “done is done” since there wasn’t any intentional maliciousness on IGN’s part.

I’m fairly certain the person trying to “bring some fun” knew exactly what they were sharing to the platform, nothing “random” about it.

I’d bet money that if he’d had the thought to obtain legal advice he’d have been told “Don’t say a damn thing”.

Survival stuff isn’t for when you decide to go do something stupid and unprepared, it’s for when you find yourself up a metaphorical creek that you didn’t expect to be anywhere near, without a paddle in sight.

I haven’t watched the weather channel in years (though I do still get my fix via their app). The only thing I can think of is how annoying this show must be when it’s interrupted every 8 mins for a local weather and smooth jazz interlude.

Fahey is back.

“Well it’ll cost us a billion dollars and two years to redo the entire thing, or we could just pay 20,000 for a bunch of old green tube CRT terminals to outfit the new office and pay old Bill 50k to come out of retirement as a consultant and add in the new bits we need to get these new line items in place.”

The one by me still has a certified master plumber and a certified electrician on staff. Just 1 of each, and I have no idea how many hours they work or anything, but they’re advertised (with name and headshots) as being employees.

The cars he sources to pull parts from to put together a single working models are no longer covered by a warranty. They’re mostly/all salvage title cars.

Just keep in mind.

Just keep in mind.

With the money you save on the ticket you can buy several bottles of overpriced water in the terminal if it makes you feel better.

Yep, Spirit might be the closest we get to Ryanair, but there’s a reason Ryanair exists.

Pretty sure those gift card stands are maintained by outside vendors, so the clerk was probably doing her as much of a solid as she could.

A scam only exists when the intention to defraud is there. There’s plenty of utterly terrible business ideas out there ready to separate the unwary from their money because someone thinks they can pull off X despite never having done that before and not being in any reasonable position to even try.