
I did not do it. I didn’t kill Destiny, but I wish that I had. Watching your vicious shovelware die gave me more relief than a thousand different non interchangeable currencies. I wish I was the hack you think I am. I wish I had enough terrible line readings for the whole pack of you. I would gladly give my life to

You’d think with his fog lights on he’d have seen those people standing there.

Re: Women in Car Culture- 5 minutes on Bimmerpost will display that while there are many, many women in the hobby, a lot of them keep a low profile due to abusive, sexist men in the hobby. Being active in car culture just isn’t worth being called a “cunt”, and being threatened with rape every time you post.

Yep. a good number of these ring true.

This just blew Last Guardian out of water. Last Guardian looks pretty, but ultimately we have only seem a boy walk, jump, and push box. Scalebound’s pet(?) can join combat and be awesome.

3rd gear: the funniest part about this chick is that she has absolutely no comprehension of any sort of contractor works out of a vehicle for a living. as an electrician, i can’t use an electric vehicle. they don’t have ladder racks, they can’t tow scissor lifts, and they sure don’t have any shelving that allow for me

I’m not expert on track day etiquette but I think this qualifies as a faux pas

Blizzard is still hurling updates at Diablo 3, and hasn’t charged a cent for any of them (Unless you count the epxansion as an update) or added in a horrible premium shop that takes real money. I’d get back into Destiny if this new expansion was part of the season pass. I still feel like the full game, plus DLC isn’t

How about more than 4 zones, two (tiny sections of a) capital city, and bosses with interesting mechanics and fixed loot tables? How about different types of mounts? How about more Ghost shells?

Hahaha. Now now. Wyoming is a beautiful place with wonderful people and a very excited cowboy on the license plate.

Unfortunately, the splenectomy procedure cracks the spleen in 3 to 5 places.

1st: Wait, so we jam the cars full of technology that connects them to the rest of the world, and then we’re SHOCKED that someone with malicious intentions can use that technology maliciously? The hell you say! You don’t want your car seized by hackers? Don’t have it connected to everything else by internet and cell

I’m rather envious of you and the other players that are new to Destiny in its current state. I was a Beta and Day one player. It was a slog from the beginning with odd design choices including some confusing changes to the economy, things that didn’t need changing, and an overall empty feeling.

I played almost daily

Don’t worry, just enjoy it. It’s fun, sometimes frustrating, but overall a very enjoyable experience.

FIX AR’s already!

What is absolutely mind boggling is the renewed focus on PvP for House of Wolves was not accompanied by a balancing pass. They haven’t touched PvP balance since March, or made adjustments to exotics since December.

(Here’s the direct link in case the GIF is too big to work on Kinja, although it works in edit mode. :S)