
My number for when boyonfire is home vs when I'm alone vary drastically.

I live in Ga and this was on the news. They had a segment about the people rallying around the victim. It was definitely refreshing to hear.

I want to give that police department ALL the cookies for doing their fucking job. Thats messed up.

Fair enough. Takei is everyone's favorite, I think — he's like America's awesome gay uncle.

His death scene was so heartbreaking, because his acting was SO convincing about the love of his family, the buildup, the desire to see him get his revenge. He was 100% A+ with this role, and to see him brutalized like that.

It doesn't take that long when you use an iron bar, as they did.

Nice photo, but I'm not sure how it proves all bodies are bikini bodies. I mean, I support any woman of any size and shape wearing a bikini if she wants to, but the women depicted here all have conventionally attractive shapes (wide hips/bum, narrower waist), taut and unstretchmarked skin, and flat bellies — this


Oh Jeebus I will have to find that stat. Totes concur - I would've put Logue up first but his faculty pic made him look a little bear-ish so Croley got the shout-out. Hail to the Victors, indeed!

This one set the collective panties of the University of Michigan Law School Class of 1996 on fire when he arrived. (And he has aged *quite* well.)

I'm 29. I've never dated or had sex and while I get sad about that, I've never considered hurting anyone over it.

The secret is I didn't eat any.

Their next normcore vacation to the Wisconsin Dells

Lol ♪ that's so Gwyneth ♫

Dear #NotAllMen,

I work in mental health, and based on the videos, this guy IN NO WAY meets the definition of psychotic. Angry, depressed, misogynist? Yes! But he is certainly not out of touch with reality. In addition, it's very difficult to hospitalize a person or force psychiatric medications on a person unless they demonstrate

Did she try to kill you?

Sad how true this joke is

I offer you a plate of cookies.