Thanks! It's a small intersection of Japanese speakers and GoT viewers and I am happy you are in there, Dark Lord.
Thanks! It's a small intersection of Japanese speakers and GoT viewers and I am happy you are in there, Dark Lord.
As mesmerizing as the body-morph is, did anyone else think it was interesting that at some point she started to look directly at the camera, then the glasses came off and the makeup level went way up? It just signals such a shift in the way she started to see herself.. more glamorous, more confident. Just striking…
I'm a yuppie and have lived in WP for 7 years, and I'm proud to say that my kind has pretty much ruined this place with our dogs and strollers and high-priced boutiques.
Wow, I had the exact same experience. This movie came out when I was 5 years old, and I think my parents were idiotic enough to take me to the theater when it was released. I was extremely disturbed and confused by the powerless, depressed Superman and I think it created some trauma wrinkles in my brain.
Yay!! Congrats! He has a backpack, he'll be fine.
Omigah, are these your DAUGHTERS?? They are adorable.
There are so many things I wouldn't know or even think about if I hadn't been reading the Jezebel comments for the last four years. I might not even call myself a feminist if it weren't for getting insight through the minds of the thoughtful people who talk here... And as pointed out above, Neko is a musician, she has…
Sure, I will answer your question. I live in the city, on the NW side (Bucktown). It is pretty gross and embarrassing to admit that I am currently paying $28K/year for a nanny, including taxes (and we SHARE the nanny with another family for 4 days/week) plus $11K/year for preschool for my 3yo. I think to myself—how…
I live in Chicago. I have two children, ages 3 and 1. It is fucking painful.
Assuming this includes child care during the work week, it's pretty crushing. You just wind up not having much leftover for anything—including college savings, regular savings, house repairs, car repairs, Christmas presents, you name it. In many two-parent households, one parent stays home solely because of this…
"Just me, the thunderstorms outside my window, some Earl Grey, and Neko Case's new album tonight!!!"
I actually thought it was a rad video. This is coming from someone who has enjoyed such video games as Fallout and Borderlands. Neat comic book riff on the Mad Max-type, post-nuclear dystopian future, with nonsense jokes sprinkled in. Of course the song and Avril herself were the worst parts of it.
zero help
Yeah, this rec center employee was all in a titty over nothing.
This woman and her husband have gotten my day off to the right start.
Fuck yes. This is making me cry. Just thanks for engaging, I always like the stuff you say.
The key with these particular women is that they didn't look at their decision in terms of opportunity costs, they looked at it through some kind of twisted lens of morality.