Really nicely put.
Really nicely put.
Yeah, it's a strange thing, obsessing over someone else's pregnancy. I don't want to be dismissive of others' fears or anxieties, or anything, as they pertain to one's own pending (or hypothetical) labor and delivery. Sure, it's easy for me to be glib and all "oh, it's nothing" because I've gone through it. Of…
This has my heart exploding.
+1 for Peep Show.
Something about these "let me tell you all about childbirth and babies, it's going to be OK " articles annoys me. Part of it is the impatience I feel because childbirth is such a mundane, (near-)universal fact of life, and a gazillion women before have done it, and a gazillion women after will do it. It's not that…
Seriously, it feels gratuitous. Much like "Hostel" was torture porn, this is idiot porn.
This short story needs to happen NOW (followed quickly by SyFy movie screenplay).
Except he is using his exes (dozens, apparently) as proof positive that all women come from vaginal intercourse, and Isner is making a valid counterargument that those results are so statistically anomalous as to be unreliable—the most likely explanation is that someone is lying. This amounts to slander? She…
I have to say that the thing I find problematic is NOT your suggestion that some of your partner's previous sexual partners may have faked it, but that he is stuck on the notion that there is something wrong with you because of your lack of orgasm from PIV. It would take him maybe 5 minutes of research to realize that…
Thank you for sharing this. I found it moving and very relatable to my own story. I'm not sure EGR was expecting to unearth all these stories of pain and insecurity by flippantly telling women with sexual trauma and dysfunction that they're "ruining" things.
I don't orgasm easily, either, but I also have the problem of thinking sex isn't great unless I do orgasm and not particularly enjoying PIV for its own sake. This puts me in a bind of feeling under pressure a lot of the time and disappointed some of the time.
::Book 4 and 5 VAGUE SPOILERS:: (not that this thread isn't full of 'em already)— I can't imagine that Stoneheart doesn't play some kind of (at least indirect) pivotal role in the plot development. I mean, the end of Book 4... and that creepy hearsay in Book 5 about someone seeing Brienne ask for Jaime. This story…
I love Lena's Cersei more and more with time. I recently re-watched Season 2 (which I realize isn't up for nomination, but oh well), and her scenes when the ladies are cooped up in the keep while Stannis attacks the city are just incredible. Her loathing and frustration, the way she bullies Sansa in a petty exercise…
Yeah, when I read the headline of this post I actually thought the method was telling my kids to calm the fuck down and was disappointed that the method is telling myself to calm the fuck down. I'm fine. It's the kids who freak out unnecessarily.
Looooooove German Shepherds.
There's probably wider variance with toddlers. Newborns are pretty much universally difficult because of the intensive care required. Toddlers can range from highly compliant and fun to highly defiant (and still fun). I have the second kind. And yes, expensive!
Seriously, THIS kind of crap is exactly why a perfectly rational, intelligent woman, knowing perfectly well the pure hell of pregnancy, childbirth and newborn-having (twice!), and the ongoing hell of toddler-rearing, will melt into a puddle and want MORE BABIES.
When did you meet my ex husband?
I just feel compelled to jump in here because, while I understand your frustration and I've certainly met a lot of lawyers I've considered hateful and ungracious people, there are also lawyers who are genuinely passionate about their practices, who treat everyone around them with respect and kindness (from their…
Every Monday morning, I sit at my desk in my office, close my eyes, and breathe in and out slowly. Then I thank the universe for my kids and my job, in that order.