
You're absolutely right that once you have children with someone, you are to an extent "locked in." He will always be their dad, and I will always have to deal with him (and his slovenliness, and his lack of follow-through, and his parents, ugh). I think the whole "I'm doing it on my own terms" thing is the

You're right that this needs to start early, but I'll just say that there's no such thing as "locked in." I work full time at a big professional services firm. I've got two kids under age 3. And my husband was not willing to step up when I needed help, so I left his ass. I'm pulling a big load on my own, but at


It's been a year since baby #2, 8 months since weaning, and my boobs are now smaller than they were before baby #1. I only have two bras that currently fit and probably 20 near-new bras that no longer fit. It pisses me off to no end, all that wasted money, and I'm adamantly refusing to buy any until I'm SURE I know

Really. No one told me I'd go from a D to an A a mere two months after weaning. I was a solid B/C pre-preg, too. =\

I feel the same embarrassment, which is why I mummify every tampon-applicator-in-wrapper with another 5 feet of toilet paper when I throw it away.

OK, it's jeans day at my office and I, a mom, am sitting at this moment at my desk wearing my low-rise jeans from 6 years ago and a soft, round, oatmeal-textured fat roll is spilling over the top, and reading this article seriously makes me want to call this Friday a half day and go shopping for some Mom Jeans that

Wow, seriously awesome. I'm almost glad this horrible "article" was written because these lovely people called the author out on her bullshit, and I hope Kelsey gets some encouragement from the comments. Warm feelings.

Good point. Some of the best angry tirade emails I've gotten were from MMO raid leaders going nuts about sub-par DPS and members' inability to not stand in the fire.

YES—I am in very dire need of a Game of Boners. Because Dany gave me a major LadyOne with her being the motherfucking boss and all.

Didn't expect to get my morning cry on Deadspin. Thank you for sharing, and I'm very sorry for your loss.

The sound of the child of the person filming begging his dad to get out of there, that he couldn't hear, and he was scared... that ripped my heart out.

This reminds me of my contracts class in law school. Something about an advertisement not necessarily constituting an "offer," legally speaking, that the vendor has to honor. But then each jurisdiction's case law probably has its own funny wrinkles adding in course of dealing, the relative bargaining power of the

Who has an amazing life? I'm pretty sure most people work jobs that they hate a significant percentage of the time, feel bored and/or stressed almost all of the time, and generally feel dissatisfied. But most of us hang in there, and some of us manage to find someone with a personality and interests that are good

Definitely. Her type really did go against the prevailing style. Even nowadays, when being thin is fashionable, it's hard to feel womanly and sexy with a boy's shape and no breasts or butt, so I feel her.

You are radical.

I'm with you here. Eating is something fun to do together. I would guess that spending a lot of time with actors and entertainment types who are obsessed and neurotic about eating takes the fun out of those kinds of everyday experiences.

They love those c sections because they interfere less with the OBGYN's golf schedule.

This is awesome and inspiring, and I'm going to steal this for use with my own kids.

Totally. The first trimester is so horrible and awkward in every way. The second trimester I felt awesome and basically wanted to have sex 24 hours a day.