I’ll keep my Forester XT. All though a legit 5-speed instead of the CVT would be really nice.
I’ll keep my Forester XT. All though a legit 5-speed instead of the CVT would be really nice.
IDFA is not cheating. IDKFA, IDDQD, IDSPISPOPD are cheating.
Hey Luke, I know Geralt irl. Stevo-B would suffice as his name. For the sake of anonymity.
Was this picture taken during the departure?
While I don’t condone it. I think the explanation was for more light to be in the engine bay for the picture. Otherwise the hood would cast a shadow over it. It appears to be close to noon as the sun is almost straight up.
Yeah. He really made the crap out of those eggs.
God damnit beat me by 16 minutes.
Worth a damn lot of swag.
Will you accept a collect call from “WehadABabyItsABoyMomIsFine”?
It had to have been swamped with reporters.
Everyone is talking about wheelie bars. I want to know why it downshifted back into first? I think it did anyways. TBH I have no idea what type of gearbox that is. @ 1:49 the rpms jump and right after the nose starts to lift, the shifter bounces forward.Intentional/accidental? Malfunction? To much powa? Not a single…
Seems like it’s best 1 out of 3 now. If you can shut out the first match. Then if you can get to obj for just one second.
Fender and Peavey do this. You can apply to take a test they will send you.
They could just enable the feature on custom servers that kicks you out for being inactive. It works in other modes.
It sure makes my ‘15 Forester fun. I don’t mind the CVT either. It accelerates very quickly, very smooth and I never have to let off of the gas either. I don’t understand while driving it, why the CVT is always ripped on. I don’t think I can shift a manual fast enough to match the 0-60 time. Having both hand on the…
See you space cowboy...