Napom Killz

All of this. Also I was watching the speedometer on his bike, he was doing 125+ for a short while with that car still on his ass. I just had the scene from Jurassic Park where they drive away from the T-Rex only + 100MPH. Fuck he defiantly needed a change of under wear.

Does not work. Yay.

This was sooo good. It was like riding in a corolla and smoking a bowl.

Needs more Meteor shower.

So... Automatic then? No beefing up the clutch, or any other power-train components?

I know that feel. He was near 20 years old when he passed. Casper hated everyone in the world. Except me. It was very difficult. He knew it was coming. I knew. I spent the entire night with him. It was less then an hour after I fell asleep on the floor. I woke up and realized he wasn’t on my lap. He went to his

Fun Fact. My dad worked as a Governor technician on large cargo ships and tankers. At some point he had training for this purpose. Told me it sucked. He got strapped to a replica shell, at the training center. Then it was dunked and flipped in a deep pool. He had to unbuckle then swim out.

Wow. Not sure if mad or excited. It looks alot like the old Psi- Ops game. I hope it has tk surfing and ragdoll effects.

I got you some cookies. Because Texas.

You still have to go get a license to carry. Same exact process that let you carry concealed up until now. Not every person in Texas is now carrying a gun. I live in Houston and go out all the time. I have yet to see someone open carry. Everyone I talk to is paranoid that someone will try to take it off of them or

Yes. The Misdemeanor prison sentence includes eating Oreos off of Bubbas belly button, and him only putting the tip in.

As opposed to what state? Arizona or New York? Both sides of the spectrum. We are somewhere in the middle.

Brandishing a pistol in Texas is grounds for charges or arrest. It took less time to find these offences referenced, than it does to upload a video.


Really? Really?!?!?! I gave three links that all have detailed instructions on how to get it going. Yet you still feel it is necessary for my assistance to be trolling. For fucks sake. Bravo, man. Bravo.

Not sure if you are trolling or not. Clicking either of these should get you some education. Noob Boob Toob

Click the e1m8b.wad , select program from list, find you gzdoom thehn use that. start the first level of the first campaign. ` then “idclev 18" without the quotes. It should load instantly, you will se cracks on ground and a shotgun near an imp.

Dune and Earthworm Jim?

Fuck yeah!!!! The Tall Man!!!! Angus Scrimm!!!! He has Telekinetic abilities, Is ridiculously strong, has yellow blood, can re-spawn when he dies by simply walking out of the tuning fork poles and tossing the dead one back in, the spheres of course, and the shrunken corpses to summon!

Wasn’t there an Earthworm Jim show? I was also talking about the SMBSS to a friend today. Strange as fuck that I read about someone else talking about it in the same day.