Steel spike aye? Mr. Garrison, is that you?
Steel spike aye? Mr. Garrison, is that you?
Da fuq would it matter if it was wifi or not? That wasted half the call time, should of started with unplug the "rooter". Then she hung up? Against every policy ever.
Well done. I will be checking back for the 5th.
7th time watching cannot stop.
Coined and taken as a mod already by DayZ. Do they just no care?
This cop looks awfully constipated.
Have played. Fuck the SA, the OverPoch mod is where it's @. Though this is an odd rage quit approach. You should specify that he will never play on the server again. It isn't like he is buying the game over and over...
Since when is Hell a meter below Russia?
Bad part is I have never played CS or this mod, yet I know the map. Wolf ET had nice version of this map for play.
The spine/skull beatdown was splendorous.
This is somewhat misleading. I clearly remember the morph ball being the first power up in the SNES Super Metroid. You don't get Varia suit until after you beat Kraid. It would vary from game to game I guess.
The real question is if it will slush-box or not. Yeeeaaaah ruin all that glory with water!
Not to nice, but not the cheapest either.
Got to hell if it isn't rated R.
Looks more like a Puma.
Now do something on Nunchaku.
Brian, trust me when I say this belongs here.