Napom Killz

I have had a sub for Funimation for years now. They have only a few good series meant for the older crowds. Once you have seen them in HD, you tend to not want to re-re-watch them again. Simply becuase the only other thing on has tweens running around in lingerie screaming BAKA BAKA ERO the whole damn time.

Just give us a newly stamped out old model VW- Beetle/Baja with an updated powertrain, all round disk brakes, adjustable suspension, optional wheel/fender packages and the like. Make the price reasonable and market to coastal cities. Bam, re-engineered period of blissful ignorance from shitty computer controlled

Red Cobra vixen was only one using trigger discipline! For shame guys! For shame! Skinny Spider-Man with dark costume FTW!!

Do you see the vaporizer with the nazty brown hose? Other then that, looks legit. Would play there, maybe with indoor ac blowing under the table there.

Be careful not to choose shocks that are to stiff. My dad and I did a swap with some new off-road shocks meant for a heavier car/truck. The ride was pretty bad after, every tiny bump you felt x 10. She is/was very similar to yours, primer pearl, a tube fram off-road style front bumper. Poor thing has been sitting with

I'm getting that vibe too. Watch some of the other ID originals that have moved on join up and make a new mind-blowing series for O/R.

I see lot's of trolls here today. I own a 2002 Malibu and FUCK YOU GM for telling me for the past 3 years to only use one key! It's about time you own up to that horrible model.

You made my fucking day sir! With only 14 minutes left!


Meh, I could spend an hour and say how you are so wrong... We all know you never played PE2 threw enough times to get the Gun-Sword. Seriously the weapons in PE2 were fucking awesome.

Rare as a nip slip on MTV. About as sensible too.

I know your busy with this m8. Seriously, good game! You know what else deserves some new life? Parasite motha-fucking Eve.

Desktop background folder shuffle it is! Void

For the love of god put Gary Oldman in there as ZorG/Choas!!!!!!! Anywhere

Props Adam Sessler. You have been the voice of reason and logic for me since Tech Tv. I built my first AMD single core system watching your show. Everything before that was IBM and Packard bell hand-me downs. You sir helped me set the trend. The trend. Of PC building. Which leads to the joys of seemingly not being

I am typing this from the floor. I have become stuck in rofl position. FYI I make it a point to never use that texting terminology. Thanks for making my day!

I have been jonesing to play that since this!

Houston, Tx. Can't drive threw downtown without seeing these wheels. On anything/everything...

I was having a shitty day. Faith in humanity has been restored!

Smee from Hook is my Fav bad guy Hoskins character, though Brazil and Danny the Dog/Unleashed were both sort of Iconic. Like Peter Stormare in Constantine as the Devil, or the Crazy doctor in Bad Milo!