Napom Killz

Land Rover could out-tow all of these.

The last time the Mainstream news had mentioned someone not stopping at a roadblock. A woman was gunned down by multiple agencies with a child in the car. Will you drive past an unknown roadblock while being flagged by the Police? F@ck no you aren't. You are going to stop, and I find the statement about people being

That is a really broad assumption you put before a forum of trolls.

Wth happened to anime being for adults. I have not seen an acceptable mature rated show in years that wasn't strictly about titts. Everything now days with TV-MA strapped to it is just soft-core porn. I have access to real porn!!! Give me a show with depth, and characters you remember, or uncensored scenes where they

Came for this, did not disappoint!

Donner Party-

I would buy Carrion from steam right now, for $30. Based on that insanely brilliant one-word death-themed title!


I hated him at first, then I learned that wanking is like a sedative.

You have played DayZ-Epoch haven't you? That is a serious question. Epoch has everything from ai that killZ you, to punching trees with an axe...

Where have you nerds been?!? EPOCH!

Pure accident, was eating a lunchable that had 2 D/S/O in it. Was cold and really good. Nuff said. I am concerned about taking them in and out making them soggy though. Condensation and whatnot.

Eating Double Stuf OREO I keep in the fridge as I read/watch. I think that I will keep buying the D/S/O instead of those....

I beg to differ, to bad though. I would like to go to an alternate timeline where this was made. Just for a week for a nice vacation from all the glam of CG Cinema.

Didn't Deadman Wonderland use the same powers with their blood?

Agreed. I have a copy of Sanity's Requiem on my lap!

What Fry said.