oh whoopi...
oh whoopi...
Without the full context of that video. who is to say they are not being supervised while playing? The people who are disgusted by this. are you really telling me you didn't play M games when you were under age? My parents made sure I understood that a video game is just that. Just because I run down some prostitutes…
they're playing warcraft 3 dota..wth. unless this is hella old have they not heard of dota 2 or lol?
bummer. this is something i'd definitely be interested in.
wait wait wait...i can remote stream ps4 games to my vita outside of my house without using the same wifi network? is this what this commercial is telling me? THAT'S SO COOL.
I wonder if capcom will be a bitch and try to get him to not make this game because so far it's just so similar to mega man.
this is just way too cool. just got it to work with my S3 and Nexus 7
the art looks nice.
took way too long. at least this justifies my 3ds purchase. literally bought 3ds just to play ace attorney stuff.
the feels.
Fish blows anyways. Heh...
he must feel like he's so smart.
wow she's not complaining about sexist things about this? amazing.
i can't recall ever being that hype for a game.
but GGU is not that exciting
And of course this is written by Patricia hernandez.
that's how excited i am!
what did you expect from joe scarborough. lmao
Typical kojima. messing with our hearts.
Be sure to wear your tin foil hats when you're playing with xbox