
This is pretty cool. it's very nice to watch.

were people expecting this NOT to be more action oriented or something? I mean just look at it.

thats why they made kotaku core right?

hes a douche

someone tell them the AH is a piece of shit.

I just peed my pants.

Seriously? this is worth writing about?

nice to see westerners are improving on their cosplay game. Nice video. a bit too much spinning though. got kind of dizzy haha

looks like ill only be playing uncharted on my vita when it comes out.

Are people worried the game is going to suck? Look at bayonetta and vanquish and we all know it will be in good hands.

more interested in the model in the pic. name plz.

Thank GOD. finally.


where does one get such coupons from?

what in the world am i looking at. LOL

I played and finished enslaved. Worst 65$ I have ever spent. Sure it looked pretty. Played like shit. Also we all know heavenly sword sucked too. Their only 2 games are mediocre at best. 3rd game they make is DMC from crapcom. They have yet to prove to me that they can make a fun game.

Oh look. It's Inception the video game with a snails pace combat. Good job cRapcom. Way to get some shitty studio to make one of your best franchises.

I didn't see a single zombie.

I'm looking forward to it. Just hope it doesn't suck.

surprisingly good.