
I think those scientists have been alone their entire lives to feel this way.

I hope to god they make this creepy and about ammo conservation again.

Let development hell continue!


1/10 Try harder.

What? I must be the opposite because I can't sleep without electronics.

I got a chance to check out the 3DS at GDC yesterday, honestly my eyes felt a bit weird playing it. I don't think I can play with the 3D on for a prolonged amount of time.

I might get old one has been broken for a long time now..I missed out on a lot of great games. Then again with NGP and 3DS on the way. Conflicted!

He knew the risks when he did it. Pay for your own shit.

Takes a tough guy to assault a little kid like that. They should do the same to him before they haul his ass to jail.

That's exactly what I was thinking.

Sometimes I wish I can see what those people look like. Probably all losers themselves.

I'll stick with meebo...

Isn't there a mixed drink where they use red bull and alcohol? In bars and clubs...

What does swerving lazily to the right have anything to do with video games? Hell the car in front of him did the same thing. But good thing that everyone is a live.

Hell no. YUCK!

At least RE is 40$ instead of 50$.

Achievements are stupid without rewards, and no points and pretty picture of a trophy is not a reward.

It certainly is deterring me from buying it...249$ that's a bit steep. I still haven't made up my mind.

I like how Celestine was the most open minded out of all these moms.