
@JTBX: Complain all you want, but I don't think "rises" is as overused as "redemption" When it comes to movie titles.

I hope they get plenty of cockmeat sandwiches in prison.

What type of woody toy is that? LOL i want to see the original.

Stuck between wizard and demon hunter

This is going to be pretty awesome I can tell.

....That is all kinds of epic.

WTB KH3. Not all this other shit.

At least we know chinese mcdonald happy meal rots.

The civilian that ran from his car almost got shot. Good thing he wasn't mistaken for the perp.

@DeathDream: in FF11 you do get attacked by monsters on the boat every now and then. I haven't played 14 yet so im not sure if they kept that idea or not.

I thought I was on the wrong website when I saw snsd on this... I saw them in concert in LA recently. Just... So awesome.

What a nice story.

Sounds frustrating as hell so far.

Ping is still useless.

So what's the best?

UAW sounds like its run by a bunch of red necks.

Did he have his hands down his pants also?

Good, tons of people that use medical marijuana abuse the hell out of this broken system anyway.

Good job on basing this new style of DmC based on 1 trailer.

I totally know where that taco bell/cleaners/jamba juice is at. I feel so special.