
All of them are so ugly save for the last one.

might as well just buy a real DSLR if it's that bulky.

I hope nobody picks this stupid show up.

a simple phonecall to blizzard will reverse all that.

It's free, but is it absolutely free?

I think it looks nice, or maybe just because it's drawn by jim lee.

79$ + that logo = no thanks.

The screen is SOOOO much sharper and better. I love upgrading from my old 3G all the way to iPhone 4. So much faster too.

Did the mugger jack everyone else in line too? and allowed them to tweet about it first?

I'm definitely going to check this out when they stop by SF.

My xbox is one of the old ones and it never RROD. Because it can BREATHE!

The 3DS is capable of that...? I might get one...

Mr cop a feel LOL

That kid has one hell of a lazy eye going on.

WTF indeed.

It won't crash. Because nobody will use it.

I'll be getting it from my mailbox.

i pre-ordered directly from apple. Does this...pushback affect my preorder too?

I think I just wet myself.

I don't what will people be paying for. Earlier demos? big deal....