
I bet you the guy who married the first girl is going to buy this as soon as it comes out.

Because working 34 hours straight just screams "not a sweatshop." Ugh.

Still not good enough.

He's engaged to zhang ziyi and he dumps her for some chick on the interwebs? Nice.

@Fencedude: So angry! Don't matter what kind of mod it is, it's a SC2 theme with little anime loli girls on it. Sense, this mod doesn't make any. I don't judge, but hey. Different strokes.

lol @ him playing with a wii.

@Fencedude: of course this is coming from a dude with a female anime avatar. Please tell me what does SC2 have anything to do with anime? If this mod had just the original portraits, it would've been pretty cool...

I would say this is cool, but what is the purpose of the anime ladies? pointless...

Still looks like power rangers on steroids to me...

I cant believe they raided his house though. Bummer.

Gangstarr is what real hip hop is, not the junk you hear today.

I like the comic art they have going on, but ryu looks sort of....meh.

AO huh? That's ok I'm sure blizzard will pull something off to get rid of that.

This was so depressing to read.

Does that say "Wii is here for you."? Really? Isn't it 'Are'? lol

I hope this is good, been dying for a good spider man game.

Why do they keep teasing us with this? WHY?! We all know they will never do it!

That is pretty darn cool.

These are outfits are hardly worth paying for.