Amazing how all the greys are 'It's not rapey' ,but the normals are 'OMFG IT'S RAPE QUICK KILL HIM WITH A STONE'
Amazing how all the greys are 'It's not rapey' ,but the normals are 'OMFG IT'S RAPE QUICK KILL HIM WITH A STONE'
Is there a translation of all the Russian somewhere?
But DO NOT buy it for the PS3. The draw distance, LOD and the AA are just horrible.
Don't make me link MWO.
Good thing that the definition of freedom is not relative.
Fuck the PSP, eh?
The Sith Lords Restored
What we've seen of the game so far looks phenomenal. This darting power, for example.
A 5 word description per game would be nice.
HEY HEY, they were working on the much requested 3PV.
And it's a flight simulator before it's an mmo so actual skill will always trump money spent
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Mechwarrior Online, Warframe, Planetside 2.. to name a few
"It's actually bigger than all of Dragon Age II put together," he said.
There was also that Dark Brotherhood (Oblivion) quest, one of the bet IMO.
PLEASE NO TORTURE OR RAPE. Oh, you just want to slaughter an entire city and then kill random refugees and stuff, yeah just go ahead. We're cool with that.
Looks like his new power is... colors?
I guess their puritanical heritage is showing.