
No, he would only have a somewhat smaller collection of bloody games.

Maybe they should further it to the literature. Only problem is, they would then have to tax the bible. Heavily, might I add.

Well, not for me at least. The only Mario/Sonic game I ever played was the original (I think) Mario on the N64.

I don't know that it was overshadowed. I think that Jak, RaC and Sly are the 3 main franchises of the ps2.

Or a new character in the same universe? Maybe a witcher from the school in Nilfgaard.

Eastern Europe too. Or at least in my country.

It's not only in Japan.

Honestly, TSLRCM played a lot like 'just' a huge bugfix pack. Not trying to insult the modders but I didn't notice a lot of major changes and the end run and ending itself are still bad and disjointed (which was my main problem with the game).

But in my opinion they completely ruined Mass Effect 3 (and 2 somewhat) and ruined 'the feel' of Dragon Age (not saying that it's necessarily bad, it's just that DA2 feels a lot like a completely other game than DA1 and that's without mentioning it's flaws).

Neverwinter and other cities north of Waterdeep fared poorly in the years following the Spellplague, and by the Year of the Ageless One both it and Luskan were in utter ruins.[6]

Well I say that both ME2 and ME3 were worse than ME1

All games by DS:

Wilhelm scream cut short at 1:44



You don't own shit when it comes to hardware either. I mean they can install a killswitch in your GPU/CPU/... and if you do something 'bad', they can just send a signal over the net and kill your computer. #sarcasm

Well even if that's true, wouldn't they have to have a good reason (meaning you did something which is forbidden per the TOS) to remove it?

I'm no expert on digital property laws or whatever it's called but couldn't someone sue Microsoft for that. I mean they (gamers) paid for the game, and now they're basically taking it from them.

I know, when I first saw this game, I was like eh, but now... It'll also be interesting to see how they changed the QTEs.

But you bought it, shouldn't it be your property? If anything they should allow redownloads of the game if you delete since it's yours, right? right?!