
Or they could try making bags that don’t remind me of the bedspread in a Radisson circa 1994?

Dude, if I were the poor sister I would tell bride sister to absolutely take rich sister’s money. Then we could split the cash to go do something awesome just the two of us. And if we’re feeling bitchy we could plaster pics all over Facebook of our great time together. We could even tag mean sister like, “Without Mary

I’m like

Working out of a clinic in his own home,

Gunning straight for that HR settlement no doubt. I read it more as a pop culture reference joke than a rape joke.

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

I’m sorry but this must be said:

I would never have responded to her, got to school early, put my shit into the desk next to the window and been laying on the top bunk when that bitch opened the door.

The UCs have turned a lot of (supposed to be) doubles into triples. Nothing good can come from living in a triple.

Guistinna is like:

There’s no consideration for the child’s privacy here. His well-being is clearly secondary to the object lesson he can provide in the eyes of this department.

Missing from the FB post: links to resources people can call to report/help addicts, decency, empathy.

It’s worse than that. I think the cops are trying to say “Look at what we deal with every day, aren’t we heroes? Don’t you feel bad for us?” They are using a child’s circumstance to elevate themselves, that is highly cynical.

Anybody who "lectures" a waiter, about anything at all, is a tool. Give your order and shut up.

I think that you’re confusing the strawman argument that people like her give with ACTUAL cultural appropriation. I have no problem with people wearing the clothing associated with my culture, incorporating our foods, etc. That is not appropriation. Appropriation is when OUR VOICES ARE SILENCED, and their

Seriously! She’s such a trash person. I’m so sick of cranky bitches moaning about “political correctness run amok”, since it’s basically always code for “WHYYYYYY can’t I be a dick to [insert marginalized group here]?”

Yea, verily. Glory be to his free market Apostles and his trickle-down gospel.