
If WBC keeps using Pokemon in their promotional material, would Nintendo have precedent to sue them for unauthorized use of their IP? Because that is a battle that I would love to watch go down.

And what would you tell your sons?

If you got so drunk that a mugger noticed and decided to take advantage of that, a lawyer wouldn’t attempt to use your drunkenness to get the mugger off charges.

“It’s is important for the NRA not to comment while the investigation is ongoing.”

Any excuse to post this.

Szymkowicz went to the show, but parked for free nearby and walked in

$55???? Holy fucking shit, fuck you buddy.

Two additional notes:

It was so generally vague and eyerolly to me. I found that I didn’t care about her at all. Some folks will love it, I just didn’t find anything in this article that spoke to me on any level and I’ve suffered from depression/anxiety etc

Did you do it while black, though?

Sounds like false imprisonment, a felony. I don’t even know what fucked up thing to call the “fee”. Extortion? Ransom? Theft?

Read her will.

Fuck this guy. It is NOT compassionate to require someone to either bury or cremate. YOU DO NOT GET TO PICK HOW PEOPLE GRIEVE OR MOVE ON.

But did the woman ask them if they knew when Christmastime was at all? Because that’s the important question.

Yeah, that’s what’s so eye roll-inducing to me. The kids, the head wrap, all the beaded necklaces, the captions about finding beauty in simple things (they DO have mirrors in Africa, Debra)... it’s all very self-congratulatory and poverty-tourist-y.

I can’t speak for everyone, but my eyes began rolling when she failed to attach a name to any of the people she is displaying.

I have no problem with people—white or otherwise—doing work like this. What I do hate (and something I saw a lot when I lived in Cape Town for 5 months) is when people take pictures with children and then post them on the internet. I only shared images of kids whose names I knew and who I actually developed

I don’t get where she says she isn’t in Kansas anymore. There’s a restaurant in Liberal, Kansas that serves alligator. I’ve found it to taste like chicken, only it’s a lot chewier.

The Washington Post reports that there hasn’t been a professional co-ed baseball team since three women played in the Negro Leagues of the 1950s. “