
um, this already exists.

haha, i like to think so too. hopefully it's one of those - i'm making fun of myself/the whole rap game things. and not a totally serious thing.

this is a joke right? satire right????

i've never heard of Lil Debbie, apparently i have not been living until now.


I keep having to remind myself that this isn't satire.

Motha-fuckin aliens.

I honestly thought it would be way more than $500K.

No compound my anger at sexism in the workplace, I super-hate the "wife and kids" BS. Apparently I should be punished for not procreating? Less pay and more hours? Greaaaaat.

Me and that gif are going to bed, ttyl.

Goodness that RDJr gif is sexy.

Is she really a troll, in the purest form of the word, or just an entitled bitch?

Dude is like the free-basing pixie stix version of Carrie Bradshaw.

I LOLed, then read it to MrNakedKitty. He also LOLed. A++


is Katy even in the video? or did they rush that out and didn't have time to film her?

Love this movie! My friends and i were just discussing its greatness this weekend randomly. So underrated.

I just rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain.

NOOOOO! I do my nails at home a lot and go through acetone like water. i'll gladly show my ID but there better not be a bottle limit!

Brony in the house.