
i love you forever!

Me too! With a bagel and tuna salad! Cures all the hangovers.

But but but the Dragon Fruit one is so delicious.

Unrelated: Laura, your avatar is A+.

Oh man. That's nuts. Was it good for business at least? My office has seen a rare tourist, and even though they stay outside, somehow they are always in the way. Dang tourists.

As a former NYer, you are totally Right. Way too many people think that everyone lives in an apartment like Carrie with a wardrobe like Carrie!

I totally went to school with those girls (I was a fashion major so I guess that's my own fault). they did so much drugs. Because they had basically unlimited money to buy them.


Yup. My family (both sides) has fake Ellis Island immigrant last names, but we were Eastern European Ashkenazis!

Your dogs are legit adorable, too.

Me too. I dye my hair now but was born with blue eyes and light brown hair. (the rest of my fam hands brown eyes and brown hair, go figure)

I often get stuff like this with my Jewish-ness. I'm white, but also "exotic" (in certain places)

And. the expectations of a mother (internal and external) are TOTALLY different than for A father. My crazy brain couldn't take it. I already have anxiety and self esteem issues... And I can't see mt therapist more than once a week, so...

Maybe you should say it ;)

Because its a lot easier to be a dad than a mom :(

Ditto. Plus i don't really like kids. Plus I really don't think I can go off my meds for that long (trying to compncieve + pregnancy + breasfdeeding). I'm enough of a mess WITH the drugs.

I love this song. especially the lyrics.

You are so awesome. I can send you pics of NakedKitty if you ever need some :)

But mostly whiskey ;)

This scares me a lot :(