
OMG you must be a saint to have pup with this lady for so long! I would have given her the boot as soon as the Baby Goddess shit started.

please, please, please, please let Hoarders not be cancelled. i live for that show.

I WANT THIS! and i never say that about swimwear. but the silho and the print are amazing.

this must be where the vagina dentata legend comes from. damn.

"nearly inarticulate line-readings from Christian Bale and Tom Hardy"

gonna need to borrow that dress pls

i'm a pale with naturally light brown hair and blue eyes. very generic.

""Oh yeah! Healthcare for you! Except your lady bits... you gotta take care of that on your own, Sista.""

i take loestrin24, which is not a generic (the generic version made my period almost twice as long). it used to be $30/month, now it's FREE!

"Red light? Easter Island Statue. Green light? Butabi brother."

her nails really take it to the next level.

i will definitely see this, looks awesome.


That photo is stunning. I cant stop smiling! You can really see the love.

"Pete Santilli is just jealous because he came out of a butt"

Oh my god this is the cutest thing ever ever ever

ditto! nakedkitty is only 8lbs and he'll take that out in about 2 seconds.

dead ringer for LiLo in Mean Girls.

"Gwyneth Braise Your Soy-Brushed Salmon 40 Minutes In The Shroud of Turin Paltrow"
